Sarah how could you?
Apparently the bear behind her criticised Madam VPILF on his blog...
TB is watching his step...
Another busy weekend for TB so blogging will be light to non-existant...
Will get the the NME ratings index up in the next few days if you're lucky...
Seems it all got a little heated in the last 24 hours if the amount of emails and texts TB got last night are anything to go by. Here's a little song to lighten up your Friday...
If that doesn't calm things down nothing will!
CCF Reforms | |
Ffrom: | Adele Douglas ( |
Ssent: | |
Tto: | Christian May (; Cllr Steve Ricketts (; Michael Rock (; Patrick Sullivan (; Anastasia Beaumont-Bott (; Richard Jackson ( |
Hi Guys,
With regards to the publicity that the proposed reforming of CF has had today, I would like to make clear my position.
I expect that there will be a vote within the NME on the 13th - I fully intend to vote against the reforms being put to the Board.
I don't believe that the idea of Regional Chairmen is a bad one; they exist within the main voluntary Party. However, I do not believe that an RC could perform the function that a CF AC performs - due to constraints of time, travel and it simply being harder to be familiar with a whole region of the UK than one county. I believe that organisation in the remote parts of
I am aware that we do not currently have every Area Chairman position filled, but, as I have said many times previously, the key to achieving this is further engagement with groups of young people who are "small c" conservatives, and having a more positive approach to campaigning. We will not attract new members by re-writing the constitution but by being proactive, visible and approachable. Similar projects have been tried in the past, and have failed - mainly due to opposition in the North - the exact people you claim this will further include.
I would also urge you to remember that CF is first and foremost a voluntary organisation, and if members are not happy they will vote with their feet and leave. I think turnout at recent events has shown that this is already beginning to happen. Any proposed reforms to the organisation to which they give their time and effort to should be put first and foremost to the membership, as I believe we can only act legitimately as an executive with the member's consent. I will also say that the handling of this situation has been appalling and the membership are beginning to think that the NME hold them in contempt.
The Conservative Future that I joined was a fair and democratic organisation (unlike many other youth political organisations), and, as long as this is still true, the member's stake in the running of CF cannot be removed. Fairly or not, this is what these reforms are perceived to be doing, and I cannot stand by and watch while CF factionalises and tears itself apart.
This should not be taken as personally by anyone, it is an email I have been contemplating sending for a long time and expresses simply my opinions on what I believe to be right for the organisation.
See you all on the 13th.
TB thought there would be a response to that last letter, but not this quickly... Luckily still up waiting for darling Sarah to begin her speech so caught this one early and can get this next letter up straight away:
TB has been looking at the survey results that are coming in and it is no surprise that the much talked about reforms play a big role in shaping members' opinions of those in charge of Conservative Future. TB will do the number crunching tomorrow and release the results over the next few days, but in the mean time this letter could well be the beginning of an onslaught of opposition to not necessarily the reforms, but they way in which they are being put through...
Classic line at the end of this video:
Thank you very much to everyone who, after just three months, voted Tory Bear to the giddy heights of 35th in
Why the hell is The Times spending money on GoogleAds spreading unsubstantiated, tainted and poorly sourced gossip?
It's that time again already... Please click the link below and take a moment to fill out the ten questions here. Just did it and it takes less than a minute!
In a 2006 Eagle Forum questionnaire, Palin indicated that she supported funding abstinence-until-marriage education programs instead of teaching sex-education programs.
"Explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support," Palin wrote in the conservative group’s questionnaire."
Further to his rant and musings about the state of the Scottish Conservative Party and subsequently Scottish Conservative Future, TB had a wee chat with ABB. It was interesting to hear what a former Scottish CF player thought, having experienced both the inner workings of the two organisations.
Well firstly
CFS is arguably in a pretty poor state, what are the main problems?
The Scottish Conservative Party need to recognise who and where their next generation of voters and supporters are coming from, and start utilising that. It is my firm belief that if CFS was given more support from the central party up there, we would see more gains – much in the same way Conservative Future works down here in
How do you feel the problems in CFS reflect the larger scale problems the Conservative party in
One of the things I have always admired about the Scottish Conservative Party is how they never give up. In
Surely it should just be bought under central CFUK control?
As much as I believe this to be a unionist party, I appreciate that in order to engage the Scottish electorate at the highest possible level, it is necessary to have two separate party boards; one for
I have a great deal of time and respect for Murdo Fraser.
People say
Because this is a unionist party and in a general election
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