Lord Foulkes to run for Rector

- a position held by Gordon Brown, Gladstone and Churchill in the past and unsuccessfully attempted by Boris Johnson three years ago. Tories on campus haven't forgotten the smarting defeat of Boris by Green former MSP Mark Ballard after the students association broke charity law and diverted student funds to fight a bitter and partisan campaign against a "dumb blonde".The Edinburgh Evening News is
that the Labour club will be putting up the veteran peer and MSP Lord George Foulkes. TB understands an investigation is underway within Edinburgh University Conservatives
to find out who leaked the candidates they had approached to stand - Jeremy Clarkson, David Davis and errrh Mark from Peep Show. Reports of this first emerged in Student
- the campus newspaper and have now spread to the local press.Whatever happens and whoever the candidates ultimately are, this is already gearing up to be big battle... TB will keep you updated.