The Next Generation...

Tory Bear managed to fight his way through the swarms of brash American interns who spent the evening arguing about the many different ways they would like to see Barack crash and burn, to find an almost dry bar...
Quote of the night - "McCain '08...yeah more like 1908"
"The Next Generation" - as the evening was billed whooped in a near delirious delight as the boat sailed past City Hall... the screams of "Boris...BORIS!!!" were quite haunting.

The big hit of the night was naughty boy
This one is going on my wall though:

The big hit of the night was naughty boy
Howard Flight
who was corrupting the CFers with his tales of tax cutting
and how to piss off Michael Howard... Tory Bear has never seen so many business cards be whipped out...This one is going on my wall though:

Other gossip from the evening:
Well it seems that "CF Top Totty" (according to
Political Rhino
,) Alexandra Swann has managed to stop talking about Surrey for more than eight seconds... She has a new favourite topic of conversation - her recent contraction of the highly contagious and infectious MarClar disease... woof!