Why Kerry Must Face the Music
Red Rag
is on form explaining why, despite her best attempts to brush the issue under the carpet, her deliberate breach of electoral law must be punished:"A statement from Miss McCarthy was later issued by the Labour Party. “On hearing the results of a random and unscientific sample of postal votes, I posted them on Twitter. It was a thoughtless thing to do, and I very quickly realised that it was not appropriate to put such information in the public domain.”Damn straight.
This could be considered a storm in a teacup, a minor mistake made by a naive young MP. The facts though are somewhat different, Kerry McCarthy was a solicitor and has been charged with rallying the troops on Twitter. The 'sample' she posted showed Labour with a strong lead and were specifically intended to motivate her supporters and thus effect the outcome of the election.
If ever the maximum penalty was called for it should be for somebody who was deliberately trying to influence the outcome. There is no doubt that this was Kerry McCarthy's intention."

despite the fact kerry4jail broke the law which is bad enough, but the law she broke representation of the people act 1983 s66 which to a MP should be the most precious law to abide by, however as a lawyer she was well aware of what she did and fully understood what could happen ignorance is not a defence in Law.
On the 999 forums, some from Avon & Somerset Constabulary are ecstatic that she has fucked up big-time. They can't stand the self-serving twitter-twat either.
I find it hard to believe that Kerry McCarthy, formerly a solicitor could be capable of such a ridiculous and grave error of judgement.
What she has done, will clearly influence the election result in her constituency.
I think she should face the full penalties, if she has broken the law
I would think that publishing any form of vote, "scientific" or otherwise, before the close of polling is illegal.
There can be no leniency for a sitting MP to publish any such "results", much less one who is a lawyer.
Furthermore, the huge lead that those votes showed makes me wonder whether her figures were accurate or whether the ZaNu Labour Postal Vote Mobile Unit has been at work.
Should she win, it wouldn't surprise me if the voting docs didn't somehow disappear before an inquiry could be held, either.
Out of interest, should I be concerned that I received two copies of my polling card delivered to my house?
Is this something that typically can happen, or is it an indication someone has reported ours as "not delivered, please resend"?