The man has come to attend the funeral. Having given birth to Noo labour, and having watched it from afar these past 3 years, thrashing against the dying of the light, the man whose ambitions were butchered by the madman in N0. 11 is here to set out the chairs for the execution.
The two problems TB has with yoof politics is the lack of accountability and a lack of humour - TB intends to kill, or at least wound these two birds with one stone.
This piece of scum should be in a cell at the Hague facing a war crimes trial.
Look's like something has happened to the picture in the attic.
With a bit of luck, he's got cancer. And it's painful.
Nah, hope it's cancer or syphilis. Actually cancerous syphilis.
When Satan takes your soul in payment of the bargain you made with him the empty body becomes a husk and gradually withers away.
Guilt? Wrong reading TB.
The man has come to attend the funeral. Having given birth to Noo labour, and having watched it from afar these past 3 years, thrashing against the dying of the light, the man whose ambitions were butchered by the madman in N0. 11 is here to set out the chairs for the execution.
Guilt? No. Schadenfruede...
Blair is probably unable to stand for laughing at Gordon Brown's antics.
If Brown gets ousted from No. 10, I reckon Blair's first words to him will be "Revenge is sweet"
Love the dark blue BMW 750i with all the kit Tony! I especially love the colour! However you would not see Mrs Thatcher supporting German workers!