Where Will You Be Next Thursday?
A message from
The Big Election Night Party
:This election is the closest in living memory
It could go either way...
Where will you watch all the action unfold?
The Sports Cafe - Haymarket
May 6th from 9pm
Why not join hundreds of people, 60 big screens, WiFI, projectors and all the channels.
Don't miss a moment of the election night action through the night with food offers and drinks deals while you cheer on your team.
Not only will there be a party but the BBC and Sky will be there, some of the UKs top bloggers and pundits as well as constant updates on what the betting markets are doing. The iBank will have charging facilities for iPhones and Blackberries. The first drink is even on the house...
Tickets to this all night event are just £25, and food and drink served all night, literally all night. Just off Trafalgar Square so there are great transport connections. Sadly we are only able to invite over 18s only.

Well TB, I'll be where I've been for the last 6 elections.
In front of the telly with a bottle of scotch, a big pot of coffee and a bottle of champagne in the frigidaire waiting for a big enough moment. Sounds dull but we like what we know.
Recent addition of a second laptop helps the inner wonk in me too.
Thank God I work for myself now. The morning after the 87 election saw me putting in the early shift on the stage door at some provincial theatre and I'm never totally on me game at 0700. Particularly full of champagne, whisky and paracetemol. Bad move.
oh fuck off I'll be manning a count
This election is the closest in living memory
Not just in living memory: it's the closest because it's next week.
Oof! Happy Birthday yesterday, TB.
I'll be at the hustings with my brother, who's one of them hippies in the Green party. Luckily I don't have to feel guilty about not voting for him as he's not standing in my constituency, which thanks to boundary changes may be turning blue and turfing out the Welsh nationalists. Here's hoping.
Yep I'll be there. Booked my ticket.