The Truth About Stacy Bott

However Stacy was quick to leave the Tories all together. In a blazing row in a well know CF watering hole she was overheard vowing to have a revenge on the organisation. And it seems today she has attempted to do that with a
rant to the Indy
. She encourages gay people to vote Labour and said she left the Conservatives because of homophobia. But that's not quite why is it Stacy?The real reasons she left are ten fold. TB isn't going to name names and jeopodise some serious players in the Party, but lets just say Stacy led a complex private life and fought dirty when she didn't get her own way. As far as TB is aware there still a gagging order on what happened in Scotland, and despite living there for four years, TB encountered almost, almost, 100% sealed lips whenever her name was mentioned. So we'll leave that. The stories of orgies and her relationship with a married CCHQ official that got way out of hand, are more well known though. Especially after ABB turned on those she once trusted.
She smeared her apparent friends who she thought were in her way up the greasy poll. Perhaps the most disgusting example was her attempts to spread rumours that a fellow CF activist was being abused by a family member. Another had been sectioned, another a swinger, another was sleeping with a certain Peer, despite her own little secrets there, all false. As were the accusations of drug dealing at a CF event, again proven to be completely false despite her fake tipoff to CCHQ. Labour are welcome to her, she will poison any organisation she goes near. Her lies were exposed and very quickly she ran out of friends and decided to jump ship before moves were made to have her expelled from the Party.
So for whatever reason this attention seeking, toxic, ruthless careerist decided to turn on the Tories it certainly wasn't because of homophobia she encountered. Just take a look at her internal resignation email she sent rather than the official version that was published. Amongst attempting to spin her way out of the lies she was exposed for telling was this corker:
"LGBTory is going from strength to strength. We have about 45k for next year already - we have personal letters of endorsements from David Cameron, pledges of support from Ed Vaizey, backing from the shadow cabinet as well as numerous other LGBT celebrities such as Paul O'Grady - next year is going to be huge and I want to be there every step of the way as Founder. I want to be the person who stands up and shows this party isn't homophobic."May that be the end of it.

It seems we have forgotten rule number one, dont ever smear your own side. I have no idea of the validity of these accusations, or of any personal animosity between ABB and TB, but smearing someone for smearing someone to show that smearing people is wrong seems pretty stupid to me.
Ah Jon, but you confuse the word smear. A smear is only a smear when it's the truth.
If this isn't true then tell her to sue me.
Crickey. Orgies, drugs and bed hopping...if only it were all true I would change my political alligence in a flash. First party to appeal to the lazy, sleazy and perverted amongst the electorate gets my vote.
I dont know, it seems that this is exactly the sort of thing which is wrong with the CF movement, one group out to attack another, regardless of truth. I cant vouch for you story or hers but either way in using this kind of response it denegrates politics to a lowest common denominator. Surely it would be better to talk about the advances the party has made in combatting homophobia etc, and act further upon it. Rather than simply attack those who point it out. Maybe she is guilty of everything you say but there are better ways of dealing with this. How can we say we want an election based on big ideas when the first opportunity we get we respond like this?
"Tell her to sue me"
Now come on Harry, we all know you get a hard-on when threated with legal action but please...
Labour doesn't 'want' her - she's just expressed a personal opinion. But all the evidence of Tory homophobia you need is at - really an appalling voting record. Stonewall's similar list is equally damning. And the fact that the Tories have just now opposed compulsory sex ed which would have ensured for the first time that all young people would've been told that gay relationships are acceptable - that, to me, was possibly more important than all the hate crimes legislation, fertility legislation etc, and the Tories denounced it as bureaucracy. I'm sorry, but the gay vote is lost.
It's all true, Jon. Most CFers have known about it for a long while. ABB is the love child of Satan and some evil bastard.
This entire article is true. The lies she spread were truly hideous, beyond the levels of intra party bitching that can be expected. Personally I thought she would go to the Lib-Dems not Labour, maybe they wouldn't have her, but she really should just disappear. No one like ABB should be involved in politics, she is the lowest of the low.
Ye! Another one of CFs best fuckwits..... it's adele!
Who are you to lecture how any one else should vote John. Individuals have the right to make their mind on their own, if they want to vote purely on their sexuality that's fine,but shock horror identity politics isn't all the left spin it is. It's insulting and patronising, no doubt you believe all gay tories are homophobic too?
You weaken your argument by arrogantly presuming you speak for this whole "gay vote".
All accusations against ABB are true and can be backed up by many, many people. She was a deceitful, poisonous, manipulative girl then and clearly little has changed. Well done TB for putting her statement about LBGTory out there, it really must be known that she resigned before she was pushed and for entirely different reasons. Total vindictive revisionism, they're welcome to her.
and of course ABB has no real opportunity for right of reply, given the following you have compared to hers.
No just the indy and radio 5 live earlier. she wants a right of reply ill give it to her but have a feeling she will be rather quiet...
Hold on a sec, some of those rumours may have been unfounded and ABB may not have had a clue what she was talking about, but some of them are definitely true!
I had the misfortune to work with Anastasia during the Conservative Future elections. She was the most conniving, horrid and two-faced person I've ever had to deal with and never put the party before her own interests. Good riddance is what I say!
Any relation to the vocally challenged Violet Elizabeth Bott, beloved of the Just William books, who threatened to "Thcweam and thcweam until I am thick"
Crikey! - I thought we had heard the last of her!
Oh well, I'm sure she will be much more at home with Liebour...
I met Anastasia at the 2008 Conference. Odd girl, but I quickly recognised the type: she's the sort who's happy enough to talk to you, until the moment someone slightly more important comes into the room, at which point she flits off to work them instead. No interest whatsoever in forming meaningful relationships just because; little warmth; compromised humanity.
The strange part was what happened with her - she'd taken on all that responsibility, but was apparently hell bent on doing absolutely nothing in those roles. Should we be surprised that several people took a disliking to her? I'd be the last person to excuse unpleasant behaviour towards anyone, but in her case I can understand why some people acted as it's claimed they did; those who think she was treated harshly ought to reflect that nobody, as far as I'm aware, started being harsh for the sake of it, but her treatment was due entirely to her own behaviour.
What puzzles me most is how she ever thought she was going to get anywhere behaving as she did, being not just utterly, but wilfully useless. Not at all surprised by this move of her, but doubt it'll have much effect for longer than a few minutes.
Thank you TB for shedding light on this.
I think it's appalling that she's gone to the media and made these claims. Why did she not speak to CCHQ about what she was experiencing?! I am sure that they would have been all ears!
I don't understand how a party that encouraged and supported her to form LGBTory is suddenly homophobic??!
There's lessons to learn from this but I can assure you she'll be the one learning most of them.
Oh and if there's any sueing to be done it's against these false allegations.
Well, if we accept that Labour & LibDems have defended gay rights better than the Tories, and that on specific issues such as PSHE, Labour/LD is more pro-gay than the the Tories, then by definition any gay person voting Tory would have to have a little bit of self-loathing about them, as they are voting to deny themselves and others like them rights and opportunities.
Either that, or we have to believe that turkeys vote for Christmas and that all gay Tories believe that lower inheritance tax is more important than their own equality. Which is plausible, but would be rather sad.
Gay people *should* think about their sexuality (and everything else) when they vote, because no one else is thinking about it for them!
Eloquently put, as always, TB, (even if I occasionally disagree with you).
As for Jon B - Ms Bott is not TB's or the Tories' "own side" as she is voting Labour.
Perhaps she, allegedly, thinks the political wind is blowing in Brown's direction? If so, she's probably mistaken and, anyway, there would be no room , if hypothetically she defected , for a double-barrelled Anastasia in the post-Brown Labour party. LGTB or not.
She just needs to 'Get Over It'.
"Gay people *should* think about their sexuality (and everything else) when they vote, because no one else is thinking about it for them!"
What's that supposed to mean - do you honestly believe that the only people who care about the rights of minority groups are the people who belong to them, or are you just saying it for effect? Note, that answer to this question determines whether you're stupid or dishonest - in neither event should anyone listen to a word you have to say.
The rest of your comment was rubbish too, by the way. There's no good reason to accept at face value that the Conservatives are somehow less friendly towards homosexuals than either of the parties you mention, and even if there were, it still wouldn't mean homosexuals who voted for them were experiencing self-loathing, since they might very well be voting based on other issues.
When will you people learn? Identity politics is SO twentieth century, and the real reason why groups like Stonewall and people like Tatchell keep trying to slander the Conservatives is that we refuse to pander to their last-century thinking. We recognise that every one of us is an individual, whose sexuality is just one of an infinite number of non-exclusive characteristics that make us who we are. The time for putting it on a pedestal and tiptoeing around it has passed. Your time has passed.
David, I highly doubt that we would've seen the huge advances we've seen over the last 15 years *without* the work of groups like Stonewall. Agreed, things tend to happen when influential majority groups come on board, but only because minorities make a fuss and start to stand up for themselves.
"There's no good reason to accept at face value that the Conservatives are somehow less friendly towards homosexuals than either of the parties you mention" - well, apart from their totally divergent voting records, that is, and the actions of the Tories when they were in government, and David Cameron's bizzare belief that Blair was hell-bent on promoting gayness in schools. No, nothing at all.
Of course, gay Tories may be voting on other issues, but in doing so they harm their fellow gays, so they can't think much of them. For some reason, when it's about gay people voting for anti-gay things, we think it's acceptable, but we wouldn't expect black people to do the same, or even religious people, and that's merely an choice position.
I don't understand your 'identity politics' accusation - we're allowed to be happy being gay, and comfortable defending our rights, and saying that we have every right to have equality with straight people. Only people who are ashamed of their sexuality think differently - I know, because I've been there, like many gay people.
When you look at specific issues, like adoption, or the recent issue with PSHE, these are concrete issues that affect gay people in their lives - they are not frivolous things about 'identity'. Sure, be gay and vote against them, that's fine - but don't come crying when you start to lose other rights too, or when we fail to tackle the pervasive belief among young people that being gay is inferior, leading to yet more teen suicides, depression etc. I don't think those are trivial things, and I don't think it's selfish to want to tackle them.
Well put David
If you're going to have a go at someone who isnt to do with this as in Adele, at least have the bottle to put your name instead of hiding and being anonymous.
"...for the first time that all young people would've been told that gay relationships are acceptable..."
And the award for social engineer of the year goes to...
"...but only because minorities make a fuss and start to stand up for themselves."
I wonder if this individual has read Eros and Civilisation.
In fact, I wonder if any of the Young Tory Blogosphere has the wit to understand the philosophy behind it.
The sensible among us had her down as a wrong 'un on day one.
Pity nobody sensible is ever employed at the CCHQ end of CF. Mannon, Loader, Pughtin, Lunn - where will it end?
Bott is on the BBC payroll is she not? Cui bono?
Meanwhile in the real world, people up and down the country are saying 'wow did you hear Anastasia went to Labour from the Tories because Labour are more gay-friendly?' Like hell they are. I have never heard of her and I like politics so your average voter will care even less. As for this crap about 'Tories have lost the gay vote', again outside of the BBC, Westminster, other parts of London, Stonewall and Tatchell's head, it is not at the forefront of the reason why people will vote whichever way they do. Believe me they care more about jobs/crime/economy.
Actually came by this blog via Telegraph News Blogs. Having seen that you don't print comments even when they adhere to your rules (no racism, libellous statements or gayphobia), I won't be back.
Intellectual lightweights the lot of ya.
Oh for god's sake since when do all gay people vote for the same party anyway... silly cow.
I heard the rumours and I think I was once introduced to her at a party conference reception when I was very 'tired and emotional' as our dear politicians put it.
Good riddance I say, sounds like a ghastly person who has no place in the Conservative Party. Sadly to say there are a lot of her type, those who wish to twist and turn stories to suit their own political objectives even if it involves the smearing of people who thought they were friends with.
In my experience CF has been far from homophobic. Indeed when I was helping run a branch many years ago 4 out of 5 of the committee were openly gay and never faced any discrimination. I don't know Stacy Bott so cannot verify the claims made against her, however one thing for certain is she clearly thinks her comments will have some influence 'I don't like to do this to David Cameron...' I would hate to burst her bubble but I think her comments will have minimal to zero input on the election.....
Anastasia Beaumont Bott went as quickly as she appeared both in Conservative politics and LGBT activism. Sadly, she left the Conservative LGBT organisation weaker rather than stronger having done nothing of note to advance the LGBT agenda, either within or outside the Conservative Party.
I think it's a great shame that many years after the event she has decided to raise allegations, if only she'd raised them at the time they could have been investigated and action taken. There is no tolerance of homophobia in the modern Conservative Party and I know that more great strides forward have been made since her time.
LGBTory became the group it now is from July 2009 when a strong and dedicated group of individuals came together from different parts of the country to pursue the aim of creating a successful Conservative LGBT group - for Conservatives and for the LGBT community. LGBTory now has hundreds of supporters and numerous branches up and down the country and is working with more than two dozen LGBT Prospective Conservative MPs to bring about the change this country so desperately needs.
With out ABB this blog would not be the blog it is today so thanks ABB for being a greasy poll climbing, lying, opportunist, tow faced girl you are.
LGBTory - what would those changes be, vis-a-vis gay stuff? It's all very well saying gay people are just as interested in the economy etc, but presumably you believe in some changes with regard to gay issues too. I think your website's being re-done, couldn't find anything on there, so would be interested to hear.
Ahh Marcuse is resting happy, knowing that his work on "Liberating Tolerance" found fertile ground in the boomer generation.
"And the award for social engineer of the year goes to..."
Social engineering?? Straight people are told, 24/7, from the moment they're born to the moment they die, that they are the norm. Is that social engineering? Gay kids shouldn't have to wait til age 15 at school to be told it's ok to be gay, but if parents aren't doing their job, we have to step in.
You mean there are non-careerist Tories? Wow, that's fascinating! Show me one! @_@
Yup, its a corker alright, that the Tory party's not homophobic. I certainly lol'd, anyway.
It kind of feels like the point at hand has been missed; what if it had been said that it's acceptable for Muslim B&B owners to turn away Christians, or for Christians to turn away Hindus.......Instead of slamming the person who took a stand against something she felt unjust, maybe what the said injustice is should gain the focus. All I hear described is unfounded insults towards a bold young woman standing up for a cause. She left the Tories over a year ago due to the constant lies and exaggerations of her behaviour, due to discrimination because of her class, her Scottish roots, and her sexual orientation. And FYI, if you read what she said correctly, you'll see she merely suggested she might vote labour, no that she's definitely intending to do so. And anyway, most politicians are in it for themselves and stoop to some dubious tactics.
Stop attacking Anastasia B-B, grow up, and tackle the real issue.
As a friend of Anastasia I would like to express my disgust at the way you are all responding to the situation. As far as I am concerned those of you who want to call anyone backstabbing and conniving why dint you read other coment threads from this very website and see who has suddenly changed their mind about her. As a bisexual female with a boyfriend I have not personally been the victim of homophobia in the Conservative Party but I have met a lot of people who feel Christianity and it's ideology/ rules should be incorporated in the way the country is run.
But... I do not personally beleive that my sexuality has any relevance to my opinion on who I think should run the company. As heterosexuality does not provide one with a knowledge of economics, or any other subject for that matter.
However I commend Anastasia for sticking to what she beleives in.
"As a bisexual female with a boyfriend I have not personally been the victim of homophobia in the Conservative Party but I have met a lot of people who feel Christianity and it's ideology/ rules should be incorporated in the way the country is run."
What a ridiculous comment. Being a Christian is not one step away from being a homophobe. If someone said that being a Muslim is one step away from being a suicide bomber you'd be branded a racist.
Stupid generalisations about Christians are no better than stupid generalisations about gay people.
"Sticking to what she believes in"?!?!?!? In defecting from the Tories to Labour she has clearly demonstrated that she doesn't believe in anything!!!
The swinger comment be true. It is Adele Douglas.