Stacy Defects

"LGBTory is going from strength to strength. We have about 45k for next year already - we have personal letters of endorsements from David Cameron, pledges of support from Ed Vaizey, backing from the shadow cabinet as well as numerous other LGBT celebrities such as Paul O'Grady - next year is going to be huge and I want to be there every step of the way as Founder. I want to be the person who stands up and shows this party isn't homophobic."When she spoke to the Indy last weekend
she said
:"I don't like doing this to Mr Cameron. I like him"Today she said in a Labour press release:
“As a now ex-conservative politician, needless to say, I wasn’t convinced. And with your recent manifesto launch, I am still not convinced. Mr Cameron, you have not only lost my vote. You have lost my respect."Leant on much?
And sorry, since when was she ever a "politician"? She was a volunteer activist at best. She swore revenge on the Tories and this is her best effort. She was never exactly camera shy...
Labour's utterly lame attempt to flare this up shows just how low they are willing to sink to try stop the Tory narrative from taking hold. It's too late though, this botched attempt reeks of desperation.
Anything for 15 mins of fame eh?

This can only be a asset to the Tories this general election that ABB left the Conservative Party after fell down in failer and now is trying to climb up Labour's greasy poll.
How long do you think it take Labour to find she a bigger hindrance than any help what so ever? Not long so LibDem's watch out you'll be next!
You appear to have used a picture of the singer from McFly.
TB, we know that you really want to spill the beans, so what is stopping you?
No reputable news organisation has picked this up I see. Only the lefty press. Big surprise. If this is the worst she and her mate Adele Douglas can do then I'm quite happy. #fail
Not exactly a high profile defection is it.
I'm sure Mr Balls would snap her up for his staff, she sounds just like his kind of person.
Sky News have it in their multi-screen news list. This and some git from Keane complaining about their dead-from-the-waist-down whinge-pop being used at the manifesto launch got as much attention from them as Labour's odious cancer leaflets, which they resisted covering at all.
They must be keen not to look like they're in Murdoch's pocket.
If Vicky "Beaumont" Pollard grows her hair slightly longer - she'd be a dead rigger for Labour's "damp-knickered-overly-excited-cheerleader-in-chief" - Ellie Gellard herself.
Conversely, of course, it would be quicker if Gellard cut her hair off to achieve the full Labour bull-dogess look sooner.
.....apologies to Lazy Hyena and her, quite correct, feminist antennae.
Christ when I first saw it on the news last night I thought it was a boy with an emo haircut!
While she does seem like a bit of a numpty, it's not as if the Tories wouldn't do something similar with a Labour defector of any prominence...
This really is a non story TB, you're giving her publicity by putting her on your blog (which is well read). Good luck to the new LAbour 'politician', I give it a few months until we see the Labour blogs with anti Stacy blogs.
Coincidental headline...