Quote of the Day
On comparing filming notes with
Emily Nomates
:TB: Yeah quite a lot of people told me to piss off, Whelan mainly.Smirk.
EM: Wait, no one told me to piss off, Whelan started winking at me when I was filming him... and it wasn't just Whelan thinking about it, Gove was as well.

outrageous paraphrasing!
Ahhhh - dear, dear Emily.
Seems no-one can resist her journalistic charms...
Don't worry about it Emily, when I did Guy News TB kept winking at me...
...come to think of it, Guido kept telling me to take my shirt off.
It wasn't just Whelan thinking about what? *wink wink*
Is her name really 'no mates'?
I bet the posh cow pronounces it 'Nomateez'.
Are you sure it was "winking"?
Are you sure it was "winking"?