Quick Thought
Angus Reid
Cameron 36
Clegg 31
Brown 23
Cameron 41
Clegg 32
Brown 25
Cameron 35
Clegg 33
Brown 26
As the Spin Room quietens down and TB stops chasing around various hacks and politicians with a camera, it's pretty clear from not only the polls, but the desperation of the attacks that this was a good victory for Cameron. Clegg was nailed on immigration and Brown was never really in the fight, bar a good line or two. His non-reference reference to yesterday was poor and no surprise the polls went the way they did at the end.
Check out tomorrow's Guy News for Whelan VS Gove 2, Campbell, Liam Byrne and his coffee, Gabby's briefings, and Lord Moses.
The whole Spin Room is dry... like many others in here TB is gasping for a beer.

It has ceased to be
Whelan and 'Mad Bad Al' now completely detached from reality judjing by their Sky interviews. Not sure which Debate they were wathching, but all thet kept saying was 'Gordon Won!'.
Also, 'Mad Bad Al' looking suspiciously puffy and sweaty on camera - definitely looks like he is back on the sauce (not that anyone can blame him...)
Couldn't believe the size of Campbell's shirt collars. Labour really DO want to take us back to the 70's!
I was going to post but after reading the above rant I will just say 'grow up'.
Just seen the unveiling of Labour's latest Poster campaign.
Judging by the handwriting, it looks like Gordon did them himself.
Labour's 'Great Postal Vote Scam' appears to be under way, with Kerry McCarthy leading the charge...