The Day Gordon was Destroyed
What a day. The irony is it started well for the Prime Minister. He was finally out there meeting a greeting a real life person rather than a party hack or screened activists. But how soon we saw his true colours and his utter contempt of not only his own party but the whole electorate.
Gordon has finally been forced to beg for forgiveness after a cockup. Before he could blame someone else, be it America or McBride, but not this time. He tried to blame Sue Nye, his long term loyal aide, but frankly there is no one to blame for this huge mess other than himself. His broke campaign is a shambles and he is the Master of Ceremonies sitting on the shore like a wannabe King Cnut.
A total wipeout for Gordon, and no amount of
Though the sound is a bit shakey TB did a Skype interview for

I think people will just hear that he called a woman a bigot and then they will assume she was and feel sorry for him.
... completely forgetting that he was saying it was ridiculous that she should have spoken to a member of the public (who even votes labour) at all.
Unfair to poor old Cnut, who had no illusions he could stem the tide. He just wanted to show his sycophants that he had no such power. Quite the reverse with McRuin. But what a brilliant day, to see him hoist with his own petard.The only thing that I'd enjoy more would be to see slimy Balls get his Portillo moment next week. Unalloyed joy that would be.
Wanabee King Cnut, actual King C**t
This will make you smirk.¤t=Gordonsgaffe.flv