Crick Nails It
Michael Crick
is spot on re Gordon's comments:First, of course, they will anger the many millions of voters, many of them Labour, who are also worried about immigration. Many of these people are not racists. They suggest that the PM doesn't understand their concerns, let alone share them.It all unravels yet again.
Second, they reveal the darker side of Gordon Brown, and confirm what many of his critics have long said. He doesn't like criticism, and tried to avoid it. He expects his staff to keep critics well away from him.
Third, they show that Labour's claims since the weekend that Mr Brown was now meeting "real people" are pretty bogus. It's clear from his comments, and criticism of his long-standing aide Sue Nye, that Mr Brown still expected to be presented on the campaign only with loyal Labour voters. We now know the party was hoodwinking us.

"We now know the party was hoodwinking us."
Crick, being one of 'them' surely knew this from day one. As in actually knew rather than suspected but couldn't prove.
I do wish the media would stop talking about a fear of immigration too. It often is nothing of the sort.
Mrs Duffy was making many points to Brown including that the welfare system is paying working age people not to work, so immigrants fill that labour void which the Government has created. And thanks to Andrew Neather's admissions we know it was done on purpose.
Labour have bankrupted the country. Morally as well as financially.