Monday, 15 March 2010

Playing the Mann not the Ball

TB choked on his afternoon Diet Coke when he read that John "First Class" Mann has threatened to sue a blogger for the heinous crime of calling him a "wanker":

(Click to Enlarge)
Well the author of "
" isn't going down without fight. The hilarious site that "keeps an eye" on everyone's favourite rent-a-gob is well worth a read.

Don't be wanker John.



Has he ever masturbated? If the answer is 'yes' then he is a wanker.



He'll have to stand up in court and deny every having committed the sin of onan, he seems to have LBJ'd himself...

"Let's make me deny it!"

Anonymous said...

Is he allowed to use House of Commons paper, and no doubt the time of his staff, to threaten to sue a constituent?

unseen said...


He isn't suing the blogger for calling him a wanker, he's suing the blogger for making allegedly false claims about his expenses.

He just mentions the wanker thing en passant

The Boiling Frog

@unseen, Tis true, however he doesn't actually state what he considers the libellous accusations are, so it's very difficult to actually action his letter.

Given that the only detail he's given is the 'wanker' bit one can only assume that's what's riled him the most.

Anonymous said...

Entertainingly,he forgets to identify the specific posts, let alone the alleged libellous commentary, so making compliance with his request impossible without closing the site ....

Maybe that is his real objective and it should be treated with the contempt that he reserves for others!!

Anonymous said...

Am I being thick, or does the letter say he is suing over allegations about his use of expenses, not for calling him a wanker?

Anonymous said...

So where are the "false" claims?


Is it just me, or if you enlarge that letter isn't it addressed to Cllr Graham? A quick google (Cllr, Graham, Bassetlaw) takes me here:

Perhaps Mr Mann is more concerned that the blog that claims it has ‘nothing to do with the Tories’ is actually run by his Conservative Opponent’s webmaster?


Is he saying that he doesn't wank, and that the information that is now in the public domain ids wrong and shouldn't be repeated?

What a lying wanker.

Anonymous said...

I've just emailed Mr. Mann informing him that I too consider him a wanker, and inviting him to take whatever legal action he feels is appropriate.


Roger Pearse

The key issue here is that no normal person can afford to go to court. That's why the ploy works.

We need urgently a right of free speech in this country, and a legal system more akin to the US one where the blogger could sue for violation of his constitutional right of free speech.

I hope the blogger fights back.

isn't it weird, tho, that in this country only the rich and destitute can say and do whatever they like? What about the rest of us?

Anonymous said...

Philip, if you follow the 'About' link on the mannisms site you will see:

"I’m a Tory councillor, but this is s a personal blog and the views here are all mine"

Of course, you could always just selectively quote the paragraph above that says "this site has nothing to do with the Tories", but continues " The Conservative Party neither endorses or censors or has any input whatsoever."

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