They just can't let him go can they? The media really do purr and role over to have their stomachs tickled whenever St. Tony cares to grace these humble shores with his presence. During Chilcott it was bad news for Labour, but today they have dominated both Sky and BBC for the last four hours, and given the rate hacks are blogging about it, tomorrow's papers look set to be a tonefest.
It's incredible that the man they cast out because "he would not win another election" has come back to attempt to shore up the worst of the damage for his old foe. TB is impressed TB didn't tell Gordon where to go, though with Mandy and Campbell back at centre of operations it must have been just like old times. Liked the tacit endorsement of Miliband too -
the project must go on.
A good day for Labour. Thanks to media's really rather pathetic Stockholm Syndrome, Blair has drowned out almost all discussion of debate last night and stopped the Tories from getting coverage while they pursued a pretty big cock-up by Darling, live on TV, and a humilating climb down for Burnham and Labour over their disgusting death tax plans. A very useful resource for Labour to deploy when they need a media blackout.
Shame the rest of the country still thinks Blair's a...
UPDATE: Just spotted this gem
from secret crush Margot James: "Suspect Blair will be as much use to Brown as Bill was to Hillary on the campaign trail" Spot on. While the media had a field day with Bill, the question must be posed... how'd that nomination come along Hillary?
He's not the Messiah.
He's a very naughty boy.
And so am I.
Anyone noticed some strange things happening in t'internet?
like what?
Like things not doing what they should, coming up with "too much traffic" etc?
Great vid
In that photo, he looks a dead ringer for The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Check it out here.