Friday, 15 January 2010

Well Having Your Lawyer in the Cabinet Helps

There has been widespread condemnation today when it

that a senior member of nutjob group Hizb ut-Tahrir is teaching, and preaching at LSE. Reza Pankhurst has provoked outrage from the anti-extremism 
Student Rights
group who said today:
“With the increased scrutiny on campuses following Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab’s [Detroit bomber] terror attempt; we must call into question why a member of a group who have supported suicide bombings is allowed to teach to impressionable students.”
Quite.  The government apparently keeps Hizb ut-Tahrir “under continuous review” but having a your lawyer sitting in the Cabinet has clearly made life easier for Pankhurst. Despite his best efforts, Tooting MP and Transport Minister Sadiq Khan failed to stop Pankurst being imprisoned in Egypt for membership of the group back in 2002. Khan
the connection to the group as trivial.

Friends in high places eh?


Anonymous said...

Sadiq Khan's an MP and Cabinet Minister.

Aren't they a full time responsibility? Isn't he PAID to carry them out full time?

So how come he has time to be acting as someone's lawyer?

What proportion of his time does he spends on non-parliamentary employment?

By how much is his parliamentary salary reduced to compensate for time not on parliamentary work?

What evidential steps are taken to ensure that the interests of his legal clients do not in any way interfere with or influence parliamentary discussions and decisions?

The scope for corruption in this matter seems enormous.

Matthew Cain

Sadiq Khan is not a cabinet minister. He is a minister who attends cabinet when his policies are under discussion.

Matthew Cain

And to the anonymous comment: Yes, they are full time responsibilities. And no, if you'd read the article you'd have seen that he was an acting lawyer before he was an MP, not whilst he was a serving minister.

Chris Paul

Apart from anonymous sock puppet 16:27's stupidity re election date of Sadiq Khan I must again point the Tory Bear massive to the Conservatives of Whalley Range ward Manchester whose activists in Spring 2009 were indistinguishable in many ways from HuT activists!!

Fancy that!!!

The same hands were used and on the very same occasions to push crappy riso'd Tory leaflets of meaningless wan piffle AND hard-hitting HuT leaflets through doors, suspected of having Asian voters behind them, in the local elections.

The candidate was a young hothead but his communalistic campaign, based largely on which valleys or villages in N Pakistan or Kashmir voters were related to, was masterminded by Cllr Faraz Bhatti.

He is the City of Manchester's only Tory councillor and was elected as a Lib Dem. He is in fact the only one of the defectors introduced by Eric Pickles and Dave Cameron - clip in Guy News - not to have been allowed to speak on the tape.

Cos he talks such shit I suppose that'll be? The HuT leaflet was handy for the Whalley Range tories led by high-level defective asset Faraz Bhatti as this had a picture of Gordon Brown and GW Bush on it alongside a claim that the Qur'an was to be banned.

As scholars of such matters will realise this was a suggestion from the Dutch MP afforded a welcome in Westminster by an ex-Tory nutjob.

Mr Cameron was apprised of the problem with witness reports, copies of material and a request for action from Tony Lloyd MP. This was passed on to C Spelman who fobbed it off. According to the dogged Faraz no-one at CCHQ even contacted him on the matter at all, never mind told him to cut it out.

But he does tell fibs, natch.


I'm a coooooooooooool dude

Anonymous said...

Mr Cain, I'd read the article before I posted.

I don't seem to understand "Having your lawyer sitting in the Cabinet" in quite the same way that you do. No matter.

Do you really think there's a significant difference between "a Cabinet Minister" and "a minister who attends cabinet when his policies are under discussion" as far as this article is concerned? I don't.

Personally, I've no idea whether Sadiq Khan has even the faintest whiff of corruption about him. But he's a minister in the present government; that's enough to merit suspicion.

Anonymous said...

Mr/Mrs/Ms Paul,

You sound just like one of those ranters who used to set up shop in my city centre in the 70s shouting 'Socialist Worker'. Every Saturday, it seemed, they'd drop everything and race off down the street chasing some schoolboy who'd shouted back 'No such thing'.

Politics seems to be particularly complicated, unpredictable and problematic when foreign cultures interact with the established system. No party understands how to manage that, apparently. I bet vitriol isn't the best lubricant, though.

Anonymous said...

And people reckon Babar Ahmed was the one being bugged....

Alex said...

Sadiq isn't a practising lawyer and hasn't been since he was elected in 2005.

As one of the country's most high profile human rights lawyers he was bound to take on high profile controversial human rights cases, as this one was.

Why exactly do you insinuate that Mr Khan had or still has some kind of relationship with these men beyond the lawyer/client relationship he had at the time?

Maybe I'm just imagining it...

Anonymous said...

Khan isn't supplied with certain Cabinet papers, as his security clearance isn't high enough.

Anonymous said...

"Why exactly do you insinuate that Mr Khan had or still has some kind of relationship with these men beyond the lawyer/client relationship he had at the time?"

Because Babar Ahmed is related to him on his wifes side.

Deny it.

Anonymous said...

Is this the guy whose wife had her licence to practice taken away..?

Alex said...

And my uncle's Gerry Adams.

So what?

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