Wednesday, 6 January 2010


Ok so TB has been rather busy for the last few days with err this and that. He ended up speaking to every national newspaper at some point yesterday, except the Guardian who stood their ground and refused right of reply after diving head first into the smears and innuendo from Kerry's hymn sheet.

So what else has been going on? The election campaign is very much underway apparently, though to be fair, if Monday had never happen would the election outcome have been any different? As the dust settled it seemed clear that Labour have little to offer other than poorly conceived attack on Tory policy, but through no merit of their own they managed to land a couple of blows. Darling wasn't exactly enthusiastic about offering up the dodgy dossier and it seems there will be a big role in the campaign for Liam Bryne as chief attack dog. As for Dave and co, well it was going so well until the slight marriage tax hiccup. The poster campaign is great on many fronts - putting the fear of god about finance into Labour HQ for starters. Flaunting the fact they have the cash to run these sort of campaigns again and again. Also it must make for uncomfortable viewing in some red corners that the Tories are so comfortable and proud of their leader, he can be promoted in almost a presidential style and spearhead the entire campaign.

Labour on the other hand are ashamed and embarrassed of the fool, the shamed emperor, who is leading them over the cliff. Still the rumours and gossip about resignations, regicides and plots will not disappear. No10 thought they had nipped this in the bud before Christmas but it has clearly been allowed to boil over, and although there has been no resignation, the very speculation is damaging enough and a most unhelpful distraction.

Either way CCHQ are praying Brown clings on. As TB highlighted yesterday, Tom Harris made the brilliant point that those in the media who complain that the election campaign is going to be too long, tough. The country is crying out for change and has been waiting long enough. The Tories are impatient, they are ready and if it has to be a long march then so be it. They have a golden opportunity to enliven the public and highlight just how much better things could be.


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