Chilcot: The Guilty Men
Apologies for the lack of blogging - TB has been a busy bear. Meanwhile the pressure for Gordon to appear before Chilcot is growing. Not only did Clegg pound Brown on it at PMQs on Wednesday, but on last night's Question Time Peter Hain got utterly destroyed by an audience that smelt blood and cornered the Orange Crusader over the run up to the war. Hain fluffed the pre-rehearsed lines and the first twenty minutes of the show was real
car crash stuff
. A commenter wrote the other day:The Chilcot inquiry thing is gaining ground - even on the Guardian website where they have a poll.. Well worth a look, to bump up the numbers to '90% of Guardian readers' wanting him to appear before the election? Sounds unlikely ? You think he could never be that stupid ? Wait until you see Tony Blair 'blamestorming' all over him and then see his temper rise and the need for revenge trumps the risks which such an encounter, and the accusation of flip-flopping, could cause.TB is inclined to agree. The pressure needs to be increased. The public have the right to witness the thought process of the man that bankrolled the war before they cast their votes.
Mark my words, he will be heading to the Queen Elizabeth the Second Conference Centre to sing like a canary before the election before getting himself up to his neck in the brown stuff..
"Mark my words, he will be heading to the Queen Elizabeth the Second Conference Centre to sing like a canary before the election before getting himself up to his neck in the brown stuff.."
I would have preferred "Mark my words, he will be heading to visit Queen Elizabeth the Second to request the dissolution of Parliament"
"the man that bankrolled the war"
or NOT, as the case might be ....
Alan Douglas
Has anyone set up one of those petition on the No10 website calling for Brown to go before Chilcott before the election? If not, should someone do that - even me (even if they did refuse my last request because, they said, I was just trying to be humourous by mocking the one eyed snot gobbler)! Perhaps The Bear could do it, as he is more elokwent than wot i iz?
Nice to see the Orange One getting a 'pasting' - his Minders probably had to smuggle him out of the back door afterwards to avoid him getting lynched by the audience,
Having given it further thought, the petition would need to propose that the PM "publicly asks Chilcot if he can give evidence to the enquiry before the general election". Otherwise Mr Broon, who is a slippery as a bag of snot, will simply say that (as he did to Cleggy) "Chilcot has the final say, so I cannot"
Would No10 accept a sensibly worded petition, or would they bin it?
Both you and Political Betting are referring to the 1st 20 minutes. Can someone put it on youtube so those of us based overseas can enjoy. Thanks