Another Word for the List

Tory Chairman Eric Pickles and that amongst other things suggest the Conservative policy toward children would quote fuck little bastards forever. Hardly clean campaigning from the mighty Twitter Tsar is it?Now some might suggest TB should get a sense of humour about these things, or at least come to expect them from an increasingly corner and desperate Labour online machine, and he does but he would also like to highlight Ms. McCarthy's rank hypocrisy.
Guess it will have to be added to the list, perhaps between incompetent and
Please bring her down! She is so deluded! And how dare an elected representative agree that I am a tool.
everyone knows the Tories are homophobic
I would expect nothing less from this hypocritical charlatan. I can only hope that boundary changes, her dreadful record, and a strong dose of common sense amongst the electorate bring her down, along with as much of Labour as possible.
I had a dream last night that the first result in the 2010 election (Sunderland South - natch), showed a Labour hold but with a majority of only 450 over the Conservatives.
Back in the studio Anthony Wells went into complete North American meltdown ("If this is Sunderland South imagine what the marginals will look like! It's going to be a very, very bad night for Labour"),
and then he exploded.
My point of this