Tom Harris MP is Mean
TB has an extremely sore head after the Fabians bash last night. He really should have eaten something before he went out. The long night ended with a comradely chat in Strangers but it seems a
certain blogging MP
didn't appreciate his early christmas present:
Oh my God! No!!
Tom Harris is mean?
He might not appreciate the bear, but many in his own party don't appreciate him... to the point of de-selection:
Apparently the activists want Frank Field and then Tom Harris out!
They have strayed too far from message – best not go walking in the woods any time soon.
I'm more worried by the menacing looking scissors perched directly beneath the bear! Get the animal cruelty mafia involved!
I did appreciate the gift and of course the bear is safe.
For now... (Bwah! Hah! Hah...)
You've gotta appreciate a lefty with a sense of humour, TB! Good on you Tom.