Simple Simon's Sister Scandal

How he has the barefaced cheek to remain in government beggars belief. What ever happened to a little dignity in power eh? The only reason he is paying the money back is due to the fact The Telegraph were about to
out him tomorrow
.He should be sacked immediately.

Sacked!? Sacked?! This guy represents all that has been achieved by this Labour Government. It's taken around 12 years to get this good at screwing over the UK's population. Sacked?! Remember Mandy? Propmotion beckons for the lover of Cupboardlost!
I dislike Sion Simon almost as much as I hate Ed Balls.
Oh well maybe that is a little bit of an exageration, Balls is a total c**t.
But Simon is the epitomy of Labour, smug, arrogant, quite stupid and clearly promoted way, way, way above his skills and talents.
Generally, my objections to Labourites are just based on their smug cult of mediocrity and ideology of success punishment. I could probably enjoy their company if politics weren't up for discussion, but this loathsome twunt is everything that is most grotesque about the belligerent left.
If there's any British politician I'd enjoy seeing "Berlusconied" it would be this toxic gobshite.
How he has managed to keep his job for this long is frankly a wonder. The phrase "schoolboy politician" is thrown around far too often but he has to be one of the most fitting examples of recent times.
The video you allude to was in sickeningly poor taste and showed an immaturity I wouldn't expect from a fourteen year old.
Now he's been found stealing the lunch money it's time for Head Master Gordon to give him his marching orders.
(Think I've stretched the metaphor as far as it will go)