Red on Red?
As the dust settles on yesterday's little expose TB is left wondering if the "civil servant" in question has done nothing wrong why then has DEFRA forbidden her to speak to journalists eh? This made TB laugh:

loud protestations
it's funny that David Green didn't reply when TB asked him if, while he himself did not leak the story, whether or not he could account for his campaign team...A couple of points David. TB refuses to be lectured by anyone from actively seeking office in the Labour Party on decency, Quigley is a servant of the state, thus her employment status is very much in the public interest and come on - rule number one of blogging. When is a smear not a smear?
When it's the truth.

It so happens that he is wrong.
People's employment details are NOT private when they concern a matter regulated by the law of the civil service.
David Green's comments are ridiculous. It's always the faux-pious ones...
She's a civil servant who has to be politically impartial. Of course TB's expose was politically motivated. But just because the motivations are not of 'pure' doesn't mean it was invalid to the raise the issue..
You're not running the SU anymore 'hacks'. You're being paid by the f*cking tax payer.
London Young Labour? Splitters!
We're the London Popular Front for the Liberation of Labour.
She is 'fundamentally a decent person' whoa there Shep, don't over do it on the old compliments on the first date, she'll think he's a stalker or something.
And this on a day when Mandy Pandy called our former ambassador to the US an 'absurd individual'. Hokely cokely - lecture away new Labour drones.
Three cheers for Tina's last sentence and may I take this opportunity to bring it to the attention of the current cabinet too.
They've been arsing round the Union doing fuck all for far too long now.
Oi Straw, Balls, Cooper, Burnham - aht, now -it's time to get a REAL fucking job - please leave your glasses at the bar and do one.
Compare and contrast:
“Well TB understands Miss Quiqley better go tell her day job boss about her new very very political role. TB hopes she realises that it could potentially be against the law if she hasn't...”
Her Majesties Civil Service
“We can confirm that the civil servant in question is not in a politically restricted role.”
There is no story, I know your Raison d'être is to piss off lefties but all you are proving is what a nasty, vindictive piece of work you, and your party can be.
I can’t believe I’m defending Labour, but seriously, when is a smear not a smear? Sure, that is the first rule… but if it looks like a smear, if it tastes like a smear and it sounds like a smear, then it aint the truth...
fuck off shapland. if she wasn't doing anything wrong why has she pulled her blog and twitter account and why has she been silenced?
stick at what your best at - creeping up to Elaine Bagshaw and writing alcohol/drug fuelled rants about your love for her on your own blog.
and for someone who was investigated by their own party for a racist attack i dont think i will be taking any lectures from you about being vindictive.
think that covers everything,
"there is no story"
seems like to me!
Yes, a mixed race guy accused of Racism by a (Half English, Half Arabic) Girl who fought an election so dirty she used you as a mouth piece
Little wonder they found no evidence.
"fuck off shapland. if she wasn't doing anything wrong why has she pulled her blog and twitter account and why has she been silenced?"
Oi, TB - stop sitting on the fence.
Labour are the sires of negative politics, so I think they should Shut The Fuck Up with the spin and just admit that it was wrong (deleted blog and twitter account I believe?) and move on to the crux of the issue. She cant do both roles, its not ethical or workable, especially as she will be working with her opponents in 9 months.
Im sure she is a very nice person, and she marches against G20, is completely carbon neutral and is down with multiculturalism because the barbers at the end of her road are Jamaican and she eats Ethopian cuisine, but shes a political party tool(as in cog not twat), working for the civil service, It is a HUGE conflict of interest
non white people cant be racist?
only white people are racists. Derrh!
"Little wonder they found no evidence."
Oh please, this is police state Britain under NuLabour/EUSSR, evidence is no longer required, mere accusation is enough, guilt is assumed until you can prove otherwise.
what was it you called her again Martin?
"fuck off shapland. if she wasn't doing anything wrong why has she pulled her blog and twitter account and why has she been silenced?"
Just because she's not bound by the code it doesn't mean she does want to politicise her job.
If she had wanted to she would have just publicised where she worked. Wouldn't have been very professional?
Right you are way off the mark here. I knew Dave when he was involved in Labour Students and yes their Organisers backed him in this election but he is a decent chap who would have nothing to do with this smear.
Dave is an Organiser in a tight marginal election and won't have the mentality of playing games like this. Whereas the student organisers at Head Office or possibly the former student organiser who now works for Labour as their Yoof person do have the time and motivation to do this sort of thing.
Labour Students have always been seen as right wing within the Party. However its actually the leadership who are right wing stalinist bastards and not the great majority of the members. For proof you can find out who got the most votes for Deputy Leader a couple of years back from student members and it was not Hazel Blears or Alan Johnston!
That same leadership is still pissed that lefty activist, Sam Tarry was elected National Chair of Young Labour. In the London Young Labour AGM, Christine was supported by Sam and "they" were clearly annoyed to have lost again. "They" ain't used to losing you see... the National Chair of Labour Students has been uncontested for years!
Sorry TB but you are slightly off the mark in your criticism. Its not rank and file or front line organisers like Dave who are involved in this mess but the full time staff of Labour Students and their alumni who work at HQ to emulate the worst excesses of New Labour stitch ups.
@ Ahem said:
So the blogs down and twatter is defunct, is she giving up her political post or her job? They are incompatible...
Ask Mr Green about his amusing nickname at Oxford.