The Video Labour Should Have Used
Ok ok, TB promises he will change the record soon, but one final comment on that god awful PEB from the Labour Party last night (See previous postings.) Much fuss was made that they were listening to their grassroots when in reality they are broke, and rehashing stock footage and slipping the Hovis guy a twenty for the voice over was cheaper than making a whole new campaign. If Labour really cared about their grassroots they could have done a lot worse than follow up this video:
Instead of lies and clips of Obama, a PEB on similar style to that effort. It was made by grassroots activists, for grassroots activists, when Labour was at the lowest low point back at the beginning of the summer. The quality is rubbish, it was knocked together on Blackberries, but that doesn't matter. The message behind it is far, far more powerful then anything that has come from the top. Hell even TB was moved by the determination of the core. He may well disagree with everything this deluded bunch stand for but damn you got to respect their commitment and a great way to communicate their message. Who can hate a bit of Journey.
Here's to the fighters, not the glory seeking twitteres, but the ones actually putting the work in.
'Labour best placed to fight the BNP'
Nu Labour bloody well caused the rise of the BNP.
I still believe......... in electronic voting - and rigging up the "Labour Button" in the booth to a lethal electric shock.
A one off cull, especially now, would have far more beneficial impact than any other policy.
It would solve the "Welfare Problem" at the ballot box....
We all know it makes sense ;-)
Holy shit a brick you can buy a cheap digital camcorder for about £200 nowadays, why the hell didn't they bother?
I mean, terrific level of commitment but really, even a modicum of quality would have made this watchable.
In the end what you've got is the very essence of the Labour problem. Good hearted people dreadfully let down by their presentational skills and spinners who believe that releasing this sort of shite is a good idea.
Note to the Producer: modern handheld technology is NOT suitable for professional communication. You may as well distribute a bag of bollocks.
Ahh, bless. Lovely people i'm sure and yeah, fair play to them for pounding the pavements but then the odious visages of Murphy & Straw get thrown in there and all hope vanishes, all trust flees. 80's power ballads - ah, they don't make 'em like they used to...
"I still believe in democratic we go!"
What a legend! I think what he meant to say was; "I still believe in cheap Stella" but fair play to him.
It's my job.
Some people will believe in anything - despite the evidence that it is wrong and doesn't work. That's what this 'ad' demonstrates.