Salmond's "McBride Moment"?

this story
coming out of Caledonia. Seems the SNP have got their fingers burnt as it turns out one of their most prolific and aggressive "cyber-nats" was in fact a paid up employee of the Scottish Government - in charge of the office of Culture Minister Mike Russell.Oops, no surprising then that one Mark MacLachlan no longer works for the SNP and his blog has now disappeared. As
The Herald
reported:"Mr MacLachlan suggested some Labour politicians got a sexual thrill from bullying women, branded a prominent Tory “the biggest liar in the Scottish legal system”, and posted a picture of Gordon Brown in a noose with the headline “duplicitous lying bastards”.Sounds fairly typical for a nationalist blog then. The now defunct
He also alleged a married Labour MSP visited gay cruising spots, badmouthed the daughter of Lord David Steel, the former presiding officer at Holyrood, and described several opponents as “c***s”"
Universility of Cheese
was one of the few to actually have the balls to name George Foulkes as a gay cruiser though. This isn't smeargate stakes as there is no evidence to link Alex Salmond directly to this blogger. TB wonders which other Scottish bloggers are getting very nervous about who they work for now though. Also there is no evidence of malicious scheming in the office to make stuff up a la McBride and all, but it has certainly destroyed the SNPs constitutional media strategy for this week.Who could have leaked a thing like that eh?

McBride moment may be overstating it somewhat. One blogger with some flippant remarks, doth not a conspiracy to smear a political party make. McBride clearly had a much more thought-out and HQ sanctioned plan, whereas Montague's blog seems anything but well thought out.
And of course, as you point out, this is something that occurs amongst supporters of all the main parties. Far from an isolated issue
OMG your such a drama queen lol..
Yeh it was bad news for the SNP but the way some in the media are making it out to be some sort of Macbride is just OTT..
You lot on the Tory party have some pretty disgusting articles that I wouldn't even sneeze on if they payed me.
Happy St Andrews day when it comes and make sure that little blue bear is washed and scrubbed as its the same colours as our national flag.
george foulkes is a gay cruiser?
he wasnt a paid employee of the scottish government.
change it
I can't wait to get rid of these sponging fuckers.
I couldn't care less if the MSP identified goes cruising or not. If he is then at least he's not like those Tory MPs back in the 80s and 90s that were hypocrites when it came to voting for Section 28 or against reductions in the age of consent. The individual you name has a good record on LGBT issues. Any issue about him having sex with other men is between him and his wife. Save your snide little comments until your own parties house is cleared up - e.g. running with homophobes from Poland