Saturday, 7 November 2009

Quote of the Day

"Labour's sin over Lisbon is far greater than the Tories', for as the party of government, they were in a position to set in motion the referendum on the EU constitution that they promised. Everyone knows that Lisbon is the constitution by another name, as Giscard D'Estaing cheerfully admitted over two years ago, and no one - not even themselves, one imagines - was convinced by Labour ministers' fibs that it is something else entirely. To his credit, Cameron made no such pretence, and it seems likely that if he had been able to have a referendum before the Czechs' ratification made Lisbon fully operative, he would have done so. Being in opposition, however, the position he has now taken – accepting that the treaty has passed, and to try to claw powers back from Brussels instead – should strike any even-handed observer (ie one whose mind is not clouded by delirium at the prospect of Tory civil war over Europe) as a sensible and pragmatic response."

-Sholto Byrnes

Know it's a long one today but it was
from The Guardian
of all places.

The whole piece about Hannan is a must read.


Witterings From Witney

Which, TB, confirms that a rubbish paper will always print content that can only be described as rubbish!


What a load of crap and we all know it!

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