An Idea For #PMQs
Could be an intersting one today. Especially if Dave goes on Afghanistan again.
To keep you entertained while you wait TB would like to flag up an interesting idea that
Jess the Dog
raises:Here's an idea for 'Dave' Cameron:Not a bad plan. As ever TB will be tweeting his way through events.
In effect he has six questions to ask at PMQs, a main question and supplementary questions, usually in two sets of three or in a single volley of six.
So, why doesn't Dave run a "Suggest a Question" page or blog online?
The public could suggest questions to ask the Prime Minister, which would be voted on by others. The most popular questions could get asked by Cameron at PMQs. It might not be desirable or practical to devote one set of questions to a suggested topic, but Cameron's questions will normally reflect some matter of public policy concern.
An easy way to connect with the public, an easy way to increase interest in PMQs.
You can follow him
Why not post potential questions and let readers phone in like X-Factor... Trouble is we might get the Jedward of questions tho...
I agree with this TB and actually suggested it to IDS when he was leader.
Far too much like democracy to ever get off the ground. They would have no censorship. Can you imagine what would be top of the list? Europe?
Brown would crack that ghastly smile and I would wretch like seeing under cooked pork served in a dirty ashtray whilst suffering from the worst hangover imaginable.
That is a great idea.
I would like Cameron to ask Brown "How do you spell Janes, greatest,condolences,colleagues and security?" then watch it stutter all the way through the Tory cuts to avoid answering the question.
Ha ha ha :)
The main question Cam needs to ask is whether the PM will actually answer any questions lol.
Good for Clegg for sticking it to the PM today.
I think they tried something similar or were looking at this at one point. I can't recall fully.
Either way, I think the stumbling block is how you deal with a situation where the question is something silly and yet has the most votes.
It would be nice if this was taken up....I don't think it would have worked with IDS because there needs to be a critical mass of (positive) interest in the party and leader already....which there now is.
Would need to be organised and moderated properly of course...maybe blog or discussion board format.
What they need to do is change the order or have random questions so Gordy loses track of how many Cameron has asked, Brown's final answer to Cameron is now just a weekly repeat of "wrong on this, WRONG on that, WRONG on the other" building up in confident crescendo, knowing it's the last reply is now boring as well as irritating.
Cameron should announce prior to one of his 6 Qs that a future Tory government would rename the session
in order to keep the incumbent's mind focussed.
Alan Douglas