Monday, 30 November 2009

Good Morning Labour

This is Christine Quigley:

On Saturday night Christine was controversally
as Chairman of London Young Labour. So what TB hears you cry...

Well TB understands Miss Quiqley better go tell her day job boss about her new very very political role. TB hopes she realises that it could potentially be against the law if she hasn't...

The Bear will be calling in an hour so to make sure everything is hunky dory.



Benjamin Glass

I'm assuming she is a copper then?

Rab C. Nesbitt

Just did a quick google on her. Is Labour churning these young deluded fools out in some factory somewhere?

Rupert Matthews

Looking forward to the update

Mr Tyke

Strange... her blog has mysteriously vanished as has her Labourlist profile... I hope she hasn't been the victim of some Mandlesonian purge!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, all her google entries have gone '404 page not found' I wonder who is doing that?

Stephen, London.

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