TB sees the logic on not having a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty per say if it has already been ratified. Guess it will have to be a referendum on Britain's membership of the EU straight up right? There is going to be the promised referendum still right?
Brian E.
Most treaties have some provision for withdrawal given suitable notice, and I'm sure this one will be no different. Thus instead of a referendum on whether we should ratify the treaty, it could be a referendum on whether we should give notice that we are withdrawing from the treaty. Of course, personally, I'd rather have a referendum on withdrawing from the EU.
Well if David Cameron can shout about a referendum for the Lisbon Treaty then maybe when he becomes PM he can also shout about one for Scots independence??
In the unlikely event that the treaty is not ratified at the time of the next election and the Good Guys win and the promised referendum is held and a resouding 'no' is the result then what?
Actually we would be in a worse position than where we want to be. We would be where we are at the moment (which everyone agrees is not satisfactory) and hated by almost every other EU partner (I'm being ironic). Much better to accept that it is going to be ratified and set about renegotiating with EU Partners who don't viscerally hate us.
I'm going to be blog about this over the next couple of days.
The two problems TB has with yoof politics is the lack of accountability and a lack of humour - TB intends to kill, or at least wound these two birds with one stone. editor@torybear.com
Most treaties have some provision for withdrawal given suitable notice, and I'm sure this one will be no different. Thus instead of a referendum on whether we should ratify the treaty, it could be a referendum on whether we should give notice that we are withdrawing from the treaty.
Of course, personally, I'd rather have a referendum on withdrawing from the EU.
Pardon an old fogey posting a note on grammar, but that should be "per se".
Well if David Cameron can shout about a referendum for the Lisbon Treaty then maybe when he becomes PM he can also shout about one for Scots independence??
Mr Cameron, over to you!!!
bring it on.
In the unlikely event that the treaty is not ratified at the time of the next election and the Good Guys win and the promised referendum is held and a resouding 'no' is the result then what?
Actually we would be in a worse position than where we want to be. We would be where we are at the moment (which everyone agrees is not satisfactory) and hated by almost every other EU partner (I'm being ironic). Much better to accept that it is going to be ratified and set about renegotiating with EU Partners who don't viscerally hate us.
I'm going to be blog about this over the next couple of days.
"Bring it on"
Calm down, you sound like Wendy Alexander :)
come on! you knew dave would cave didn't you?