TB couldn't help a chuckle when the news reached him of a certain clash of dates. Two couples, consisting of various Conservative
Future darlings have ended up organising their weddin
gs on the same day. Young tories have already started falling into brunette and blonde camps as both brides are refusing to budge. This could get vicious.
Someone get the popcorn.
Unless you are REALLY into chick flicks, DO NOT WATCH!
There is pretty much zero male role in the entire film in which a man can relate and although there are amusing parts to it, I suggest to men to steer clear of this film!
Sorry TB, but it just isn't that good...
The problem with Cameron is that he can't be who he really is but has to morph his image to get labour voters on his side. A bit of Blair charm would help. Cameron is already starting to mimic Blair in moving to the centre. Check out this post:
Li Yan and Ed Hallam to tie the knot?
Geez that looks like a truly shite film.
What gets me is how much that brunette in the film poster looks like the brunette in question.
Li is at loggerheads with Lucy