Normal For Norfolk

Perhaps they would have been
more accepting
of Liz Truss if it had been her cousin she had the affair with.
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This is just silly. Who HASN'T had an affair with Mark Field?!
harsh, I'm gonna tell my UncleDad.
And TB just rules himself out of selection for any Norfolk seat forever...
Well, after Newsnight last night, the local constituency party really look like a bunch of right wallies.
I think TB is wrong on Norfolk and wrong on the causes of Norfolk.
As someone who has lived in Norfolk before the big smoke, I object to the mention that I would sleep with my cousin.
She is far too ugly and is lousy in bed. My sister on the other hand...
Clarity is required here, TB...
The problem is not that she engaged in a deep and meaningful relationship with Mark Field (as Anonymous @ 11.00am says, who hasn't?). It is that the Selection rules require that a PPC should disclose any issue that might cause future problems - it is not for the Selection Panel to go looking for it on Google.
The proof of why this honest and open approach is sensible is the fact that withinn 24 hours of her selection somebody had fed the story to the tabloids (of course, if they had any sense, they should have sat on it until she had launched her campaign before using it)
She should have realised that to NOT mention the affair when asked by the Panel to disclose anything problematic was naive bordering on arrogant.
Like it or not TB, the fault lies with her, not the Selection Panel...
With respect FB what a load of shite.
The problem story this disclosure has created, is not the affair, it's the knuckle-dragging Victorian response by 19 members of the Association.
Rules of disclosure require you to disclose you disclose anything that might impact your ability to do the job, not matters that some might find distasteful. Infidelity does not stop you being an MP, and if it did Mark Field would have to be deselected to be consistent.
But also thing through the logic of the position you are suggesting. It would inevitably lead to candidates being required to submit full histories of their sexual relations on the off chance a newspaper might find out about it and think it a story. If not that then what the Association is actually saying is Truss's crime was to get caught, which is even more ludicrous.
Anonymous @ 13.38
Au contraire, mon Brave...
Whether you think my comments are 'shite' or not, the fact remains that the Selection Panel are sticking to the rules - Truss broke them and may pay the ultimate price.
What's more, your assertion that "It would inevitably lead to candidates being required to submit full histories of their sexual relations on the off chance a newspaper might find out about it and think it a story." is, ironically, absolutely correct where such an encounter might give the tabloids a field day - Truss decided not to play by that particular rule and look where it landed her.
Yes, some people might find such questioning by a Panel of geriatrics intrusive, but welcome to politics. If you don't like the rules, don't play the game...
Mark Clarke@11:57, given the county rivalry, TB has just made himself a shoo-in for selection for any Suffolk seat forever.
But then, who's want to be so uncomfortably close to Essex?
I live in Norfolk. Very proud to do so. Not many counties have greats like Nelson, Edith Cavell,Boudiccea,Walpole.
It's a beautiful county with honest, hardworking people. Yes, we do have high standards and expect those representing us to have high standards,particularly in morality.
Too many people are hurt by infidelity. It is the deceit which cannot be abided. If you are deceitful to those close to you, how easy it must be to be deceitful to others.
These comments just demonstrate the yawning gap between the standards and morality demonstrated by current MPs and cognoscenti of all parties compared with those held by the voters across the country
I'm looking forward to all the silly headlines when she wins. All the variants of "truss"
"Norfolk turkeys trussed by Liz", etc.
They are being silly, TB, but slagging Norfolk off in such a childish way hardly helps.
On the contrary, the local party are a decent bunch who feel they've had some well-connected slag foisted on them by central office. And, of course, they are right. Well done them for sticking to CONSERVATIVE principles.
Who would have thought a political blogger would be so childish? Oh.
@Roger Pearse: If the local party resent having a "well-connected slag foisted on them by central office" why did they vote for her overwhelmingly in the first round? By "the local party" do you mean the executive, rather than the membership who voted for her?
In any case it was the executive's fault that the shortlist was secret - why on earth should shortlists be kept secret?
P.S. You might like to mind your language.