Thursday, 15 October 2009

The Digital Battleground

Via the
Alternative Conservative
TB learns that the Tories are once again leading the online charge with a series of
adverts. How long before Labour give another outgoing MP such as Kerry McCarthy the role of Spotifty Tsar? The warm friendly tones of Eric Pickles will make for a welcome break from the normally grating ads that seem to be dominating at the moment.

Great move by CCHQ. This is a real chance to engage with a new audience, on a postcode specific basis, and the great thing about Spotifty ads is that there is no way to mute them if you want to carry on listening to tunes! We shall fight them on the beaches, on the landing grounds...

...and in the mythical interwebby musical ethra too it seems.


Anonymous said...

Also Via TheAltCon, but with a pretty graphic you could have used!

Stu said...

"There is no way to mute them" . .
You can turm the volume right dowm though

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