Brown Backs Blair - Scorched Earth Begins

is reporting
"PM to actively campaign for Tony Blair to become EU president." And so it begins. How the mighty fall. For every waking hour for over a decade Brown plotted and spewed bile in an attempt to end the career of Blair and yet now he is in enough of a rut to turn to him in a dark hour. No doubt a deal has been cut for Blair to come back and campaign for Gordon, if Gordon is in power in May (Which incidentally is looking increasingly unlikely.)When his arm was twisted this morning Cameron said he would work with Blair if he absolutely had to, but was less than happy about the idea of President Blair. This is a cheap political shot by Brown. He knows he is down and out and knows it will be Cameron that would actually have to work with Blair, something Brown no doubt could not fathom ever happening again.
The timing of the announcement is equally cynical too. Nice distraction from Brown's massive u-turn on cutting the TA spending budget. It also shows just how little respect Brown, Blair and other Euro-extremists have for the process of the Lisbon Treaty. Lest it be forgotten that it has not yet been ratified and the Czechs might yet throw one massive spanner in the Blair machine by destroying the job he so desperately wants. TB has to smirk at what Gordon's blessing will do for the Blair campaign though.
Jonah doesn't exactly have a particularly good track record for endorsements.

Is this the time to resurrect William Haig's vignette describing the appointment of "President" Blair?
Surprised Blair's lackeys didn't stop this.
I mean I knew Gordon held a grudge but officially endorsing him is just harsh.
Might put a few quid on Juncker. That reverse Midas touch never fails.
Cameron should explain to the EU that if Blair is annointed 'President' his first act as PM would be to stop the extortionate contribution Britain pays to the EU and the second will be to hold a Referendum on Britain's relationship with the EU.
I think this is perhaps the final stage of "Scorched Earth". Looking at the events of the past year, God help us if this is only the beginning.
So the uneasy quiet from the Tories on Lisbon is borne from "respect for the process of the treaty"?! Glad we're all clear on that(!)
check out my article on how Cameron is mimicking Blair's political strategy and even some of his core ideologies in order to win over disgruntled New Labour voters:
Cameron must take off this compassionate Tory mask and show the public who he really is, that would be honesty, not resort to copy the tactics of Blair to get the job of PM!!!
Blair and Cameron....has Cameron started to use Blair's technique?
Check out my article of the issue of Blair, Cameron and the EU presidency: