Bow Group Election Results - Abercorn Re-elected Chairman

Bow Group
. Annesley Abercorn was re-elected as chairman and those who were on his slate are shown in bold. The results are as follows:Chairman:
Annesley Abercorn 33 ELECTED
Ryan Shorthouse 29
Patrick Sullivan 36 ELECTED
Sam Parr 25
Political Officer:
Craig Rimmer 33 ELECTED
Elle Perry 28
Commercial Secretary:
Havard Hughes 32 ELECTED
Suella Fernandes 28
Brian Cattell 34 ELECTED
Alexandra Jozeph 25
Membership Secretary:
Ben Harris-Quinney 27
Liam Scott Smith 32 ELECTED
Richard MABEY was elected to the position of Social Secretary unopposed.
Mark NICHOLSON was elected to the position of Research Secretary unopposed.
(The first five were backing Annesley Abercorn; the last six backed
Ryan Shorthouse)
Peter Cuthbertson 26 ELECTED
Matt Eaton 26 ELECTED
Adam Soffe 26 ELECTED
Daniel Valentine 20
Robert Westbrook 22
Maria Allen 34 ELECTED
Sam Coates 35 ELECTED
Catherine Crook 21
Georgina Dowling 24
Fabian Richter 27 ELECTED
Zehra Zaidi 12
Congratulations and best of luck to all those who were elected.

A great set of results and team of people elected. The group goes from strength to strength...
Didn't this used to be a grown up organisation? Looks like the usual CF loons have taken over.
Well done Annesley! Another win for ACTION ABERCORN!
They were bloody loud in the Carlton afterwards. Don't these people know how to behave?
They left the Carlton gents' lavatories in a dreadful mess too. Urine all over the floor, and even on the walls.
These Bow Group thugs need toilet training.
HAHAHAHAHA, is Action Abercorn still at it?
This guy's a laughing stock wherever he goes. I've never seen such a self-publicist. Long may he reign.
And such thighs!
Yeah, right on, it's all about Annesley's thighs. His moobs are quite gargantuan, too.
Anneseley's such an arriviste. Do you think that when he changed his surname by deed poll from Abeyakoon to Abercorn he did it so he could claim he was related to the Dukes of Abercorn?
Who is the guy in the pink shirt and glasses?
He looks like a sex offender.