TB's laptop is playing up so it's Blackberry blogging until tonight it seems. Last night in Cambridge was good fun, with some great questions. Quote of the evening had to be from the bar afterwards though:
TB: So hear you guys have a campaign day tomorrow?
Anon: Yeah I'm not going, hunting instead.
Fair enough.
The story that TB seems to have missed by going off the radar has to be the latest episode of Gordon losing the biscuit. Quite literally this time. Repeatedly asked by a web chat audience on MumsNet, our rational and completely in control leader happily chatted about everything, from saving the world, to his eyesight but refused again and again to say what his favourite biscuit is. What the hell? Of all the questions to bounce, why this one? What does Brown have against biscuits?
Shortbread? Scottish oat cakes?
Maybe he's more of a crackers kinda guy.

Obviously the biscuit question didn't fit any of his prepared answers!!!