When TB met Ann Coulter...
If you happen to be one of those unfortunate people who suffer from a leftist disposition then look away now...How can this picture be beaten? Bush? Cheney? Palin?
If you happen to be one of those unfortunate people who suffer from a leftist disposition then look away now...How can this picture be beaten? Bush? Cheney? Palin?
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Ugh! Poor bear! Is he OK now?
Look at those manly alien hands clawing at TB, those cold, soul-less eyes and that frikkin' Adam's apple!
Did you make it out OK before she bit his head off for being non-white scum?
Shudder. You're one brave bear!
I LOVE TORY BEAR! lol this is haley that crazy rexan from the confrence! i <3 ann coulter as well!
The Right Brothers:
Enjoy x
Despite being an adamant right winger myself, I have to say that Anne Coulter is a smear on everyone who calls themselves a Conservative. Have you read any of her books? She is actually insane. How could anyone believe what she writes? Whats more she's an arch neo-con authoritarian monster.
End rant.
Careful there, Mr. Blue Bear! She's a human lightning rod.
The more she talks, the angrier the left becomes, and the more vitriol they spill...
I could so have Ann Coulter in a fight.
aye i'm with Think this, every time i hear that women speak its painful, she certinally no credit to conservatives anywhere at least to those who can hear opnions from other points of view with out resorting to name calling.
Coem on TB you can surely find a better person to be pictured with.
I don't mean to be offensive, dear boy, but she looks gaunt and pallid like the anorexic psycho bitch that she is.
She probably isn't getting enough one-eyed trouser snake, either.
Speaking of Cheney and pictures, maybe TB could help me on a quest? There was a fantastic picture of him, I think in the Observer, a while back of Cheney smirking like a dirty old man and giving V-signs (the fuck off version as opposed to the Churchill version) at the assembled photographers. It was the single best thing I think I've ever seen in my life and would make a great poster but it was printed over two pages. Guardian Media don't own it, apparently. Can TB use his mystical powers and find it?!
I'm a breast man myself so Ms Coulter cocks my revolver.
She does look a little skeletal in that picture - she needs to eat a little more bear meat methinks.
Oh dear TB, I thought you had class.