John Lamont MSP MP?

been selected
to fight the highly winnable Borders Westminster seat. John will be a great MP and the 6.5% swing he needs from the Lib Dems is considerably less than the 9.4% he achieved at the last Holyrood elections.The tory benches need more people like John - best of luck to him.
love the targeted ads on this one!
If he wins - and becomes John Lamont MP, MSP - will your lot stop moaning about Salmond remaining an MP?
Though I guess, by that time he will have stood down. Still, maybe the attacks will stop now though, eh?
I feel sorry for Chris Walker (although having only met him once I'm not sure why) but I wish this man all the luck in the world.
absolutlely not Malc. The issue isnt that salmond sits in both houses its the fact he is NEVER in westminster...
yet manages to claim thousands in allowances. mainly to feed his curry habit.
Interesting. And I suspect your measure of a good MP is how long he/she spends at Westminster and not in their constituencies? Presumably those with a fondness for alcohol in the members bar must feature fairly highly up that list...
How many jobs does this guy actually want? How come Holyrood is no longer good enough for him?
It looks like he didn't really want to be elected in 2007, which calls into question everything he said during that campaign?
How can he have any sort of credible with the people of the Borders? They already have a good, full time MP - they don't need someone who's going to spend half the week in London and half in Holyrood.
We all know Salmond doesn't care about Westminster, but what happens if there's important votes in Holyrood and Westminster at the same time?
Lamont will not have my vote if he continues to plan to keep both jobs if he wins. Legros
If he does remain an MP-MSP then it will be an utter embarrassment: Cameron has nailed his colours to the mast over this issue in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
He cannot simply promise to step down at the next Scottish Parliamentary election. If he wants to be an MP - and I agree, he'd make a good one - he needs to resign as an MSP as soon as he is elected.
Moreover, it won't be a bad thing for the party. Put someone energetic in for a Scottish Parliament by-election and holding the moral high ground will probably work in our favour.
i hear that is the plan.
Lamont always planned it this way and stabbed Chris Walker in the back to get the nomination. It's backfiring though and I suspect things may go belly up for your hero.
He is exactly what the Conservatives do not need.
I thought Mr Lamont said that he'd be giving up the SP seat?