"Five People & Planet activists from Edinburgh University were falsely imprisoned by a Topshop store manager in Edinburgh on Friday, allegedly as part of a national strategy of detaining peaceful protesters."They have the right to protest outside yes, but what is wrong with the store detaining them once, and only once, they had broken into areas of the shop where they were not meant to be, ie the shop window? Something they are so clearly proud of
on their website
They were tresspassing and the manager had every right to make sure that they didn't run away before they could be fairly prosecuted. These hippies must learn the hard way that they have to play ball and stay within the law if they want to be taken seriously.
Send a cococnut to the manager though. What a legend.
I love the fact that the lefty types have such a comprehensive disregard for the principle of abiding by the law. They seem to think that they have a higher moral purpose that justifies breaking laws.
bloody unwashed swampies.
Although I support most anything that will annoy Planestupid, common trespass is not a criminal offence and thus detaining anyone on those grounds is improper - indeed, illegal.
"They were tresspassing and the manager had every right to make sure that they didn't run away before they could be fairly prosecuted."
Not true. Trespass is a civil wrong for which the recourse is the court system, not another civil offence.
Surely it could be considered a form of "People's arrest" until the police arrived to detain them. They did wrong - let them be punished.