"• Phil Woolas, the Home Office Minister, claimed for items of women's clothing, tampons and nappies. The parliamentary rules only allow expenses which are "exclusively" for MPs' own use so it is not clear these items were justified."
The Telegraph seems very keen to make amends for the smeargate mess. Day 2.
I think you make a very valid point here about Smeargate. It occurred to me that maybe this is the motivation behind the Telegraph's decision to publish.
One other point. These revelations may now make it easier for Brown to survive. I have posted about this on my blog.
TB, I would point out that Mr W has threatened to sue about these allegations. You might not be willing or indeed able to fight a libel claim! Wouldn't want you to become a bankrupt bear!
I fear, like a lot of his 'fellow' Ministers, he doth protest too much. Have you seen the
GIve me strength.
He claims they were on the receipt but didnt claim them