Wednesday, 6 May 2009

A new low for this country...

TB doesn't know what

this dude
did to offend anyone, and frankly he doesn't care. Jacqui Smith is a disgrace to her office and this country.
Just go.


Jess The Dog

Apparently he didn't even want to visit the UK so the reason for his ban is unclear!

Another stupid gaffe by that waste of lard who sits in some fancy office somewhere.

Basics of freedom of speech - just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you can ban it! Or as the Yanks would say - Freedom of Speech 101.

Anonymous said...

Michael Savage offends just by existing. I don't think he should be banned from visiting the UK but he's certainly no big loss. Check out his homophobia (NSFW):

He also enjoys the ad hom attack of calling anyone who criticises him a Marxist.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 21:20

yes he is obviously a cunt, that is not the bloody point, is it. Should he be banned for being offensive?

How truly embarrassing for Britain. I actually feel ashamed because of this disaster of a government. I have never felt angry about politics until the last few months.


Mike Savage has a right old go at Jackboots - worth a listen:

Jackboots is out of order, in keeping with the rest of the 'government'.

She should be banned from entering other countries; she's the scourge of democratic processes. I hope there's an almighty backlash.


Jacqui Smith is a disgrace to her office

Have you missed an r and an i somewhere?

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