Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Liberal Youth hits the fan. Again.

It seems that Elaine Bagshaw, the controversial chairman of Liberal Youth has already got into trouble just a couple of months after the bloody elections. One of the main concerns raised about her re-election in March was that she had the tendency to be a bit of a controlling, manic, irrational, socialist bitch. These arguments were dismissed by the likes of Edwin Loo, one of her biggest cheerleaders.

But it didn't take long for the wheels to fall off the Bagshaw truck now did it...
Couldn't happen to a nicer lady.


Anonymous said...

The Bagshaw Mobile never possessed wheels. From its very conception it was but a crumpled heap of ruined scrap metal; the only viable method of locomotion for such like being free fall.

Doubtless, in due course, terminal velocity will give way to the terminal decline and demise of this chairmanship.

John Moorcraft

Interesting to see he former rival doing good work over at Liberal Vision whilst Liberal Youth seems to go from one embarrasmsment to another.

Anonymous said...

Bagshaw is completely incomptent. She insists in running lib yth as a dictatorship ensuring she is doing everyones job for them and doing is BADLY. The whole organisation is on its knees and it due to her failure as an *chair*..... I wouldn't be surprised if Lib Yth was replaced by a rebel youth party for the LD. Maybe Liberal young but mature!

Anonymous said...

Elaine Bagshaw's response:
"I was annoyed because I had an email from Kate Heywood this afternoon saying that Paul Pettinger's name (soon to be former LY staff member) had been scribbled out on the sign by our office - which I thought was pretty damn immature and disrespectful.

Someone then decided to leak the screen shot of Edwin's conversation with Sara from 6 days ago on there. Even though I've already had an apology from Edwin, and what he says isn't true. "

So there you go, almost as much of a non-story as day 756 of the "Expenses files".

A. Lib-Dem said...

Liberal Youth does the LibDems no favours at all. It's far to the left of the main party. Not much space for an economic and social liberal, from what I've read.


Is TTT the only one disturbed by the grammatical howlers in the twitter posts? LY should be ashamed of themselves. TTT recommends "The Elements of Style" (Strunk, William Jr. 1918) for remedial study post haste.

Bagshaw Fan said...

HAHAHAHAHA, Elaine's reply above is HILARIOUS - she thinks that the expenses scandal is a non-story? Typical Westminster apparatchik!

Do you have any fun expenses claims, Baggers?

Anonymous said...

Bagshaw Fan:
If you actually look at where the inverted commas are, that was my comment, not Elaine's. And all I meant was that the telegraph's "stories" are getting weaker and weaker as they run out of the good stuff.


I must admit I was terribly upset that they haven't disclosed which two members were having an affair and were busted by their expenses...

Anonymous said...

The vivacious Edwin Loo has since been banned from the LY closed forums for threatening to attack Ms Sara, the assumed leaker.

Anonymous said...

Oh God Edwin Loo. What a fuckstick.

He would get into an argument in an empty room. If Elaine can't work with him all that shows is that she's a human being.

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