It's the little changes that will matter...

Craig Elder
and co at the CCHQ online campaigning team. They have just launched a Facebook app where you can give over your FB status to the tories who can use it to push links and remind people to vote in the run up to next week's elections. This is textbook Obama/McCain and it's looking like the Tories will be leading the battle in the first ever web dominated General Election.
This is ok, as long as CCHQ don't push too many updates across as it might annoy really apolitical friends etc.
I wonder how many people have signed up to this. I can't find the numbers anywhere...
It's a good idea.
Possibly inspired by how the 'causes' section does it?
Oh I see now, the 'change' refers to your facebook settings... I had been wondering what changes we were going to get..... I thought it was just a slogan as wishy-washy as the representation of the flag.