Crunch time for the Speaker.

Douglas Carswell's motion of no confidence has come from nowhere and now looks as if it could spell the end for Michael Martin, a man to bring shame to the esteemed position he holds. Carswell and Dan Hannan have had a profound effect on British politics in the last few months. The have shown not only the
but have the balls to put their money where their mouths are.Isn't it time we started listening to them?

This doesn't really get said enough but Brown is a profoundly ugly man.
Totally agreed. Dan & Doug for the cabinet!
Dan's speech to Brown made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He said exactly what I wanted to - only perhaps a little more eloquently!
I reckon I can top that photo with
Sorry, a little o/t but so very important.
Back The Sun campaign to get rid of Brown:
The tories should indeed be listening to them very carefully.
Cameron,with his Europhile standpoint,would appear to be the one who is really standing in the way of the change that the country and our 'democracy' so desperately needs.
Real tories are 'loyalists' and are already starting to turn towards UKIP,and the trend will only gain momentum for as long as Cameron persists with the notion that we should be in the EU.
What has this got to do with Carswell's and Hannan's proposed reforms?
Nothing can happen while we are still a minor province of the EU.
Has anybody else noticed the axe hovering above gorbals mick's head? TTT is tres amused.