A change of heart?

Advanced Media Watch
is the only one that Tory Bear ever really gives more than the occasional glance. These web-based nationalist fighters often get into pretty vile scraps with Labour, ones that make TB look tame. TB is 99.8% sure he knows who runs AMW, although they have been very careful to protect their identity, they have left all sorts of obvious clues all over the blogosphere.However outing anonymous ranters aside, it does always make TB chuckle when someone leaves himself open to such easy attack. AMW has castigated and shat upon the very concept of the union between England and Scotland for months now and is often blind in his loyalty to the SNP local administration across the border. However, what is the one thing that will bind even the hardest of cyber-nats with his unionist brothers in arms? What one event can bring the people of this grand archipelago together in unison?
Britain's Got Talent of course. How refreshing to see the Union Flag flying proudly on AMW's blog.

No doubt with the passing of BGT the petty racism and romaticised, farcical, deluded nationalist dream will be back with a vengance soon.
i ams scottish, support the snp in principle, albeit a true scottish unionist party with conservative values and supporting scotland first would have my support.
i too thought diversity were the best, and sometimes we vote for the best candidate rather than the party choice, to use political parlance.
if boyle lost her rag, as seems likely, that is what cost her. people cannot handle bad losers or cheats, which is why brown is going to get a thumping, and the tories will also suffer due to their mates in the two houses of power being on the trough as much as the red rosetters.
Well it was all going well until..
"No doubt with the passing of BGT the petty racism and romaticised, farcical, deluded nationalist dream will be back with a vengance soon."
Really ? I don't romanticise about what i want for Scotland, i have a very clear vision and petty racism ? Come on you must have read someone else's blog, i don't tolerate racism.
I display many flags on my blog and its not the first time (to give it, its proper name) i have displayed the "Union Flag" on my blog.
"Mr AMW is clearly a big fan of the people of this island coming together for competition and entertainment."
Indeed i am but i just don't like to politicise it like the way many unionists do.
I have played for Scotland 5 times in the British university football championships and played twice for a Great Britain select side against France and the Netherlands both times i was very proud to do so.
I don't have a hatred for the Union although i do admit im totally at odds with Scottish Labour and UK Labour, i just want an Independent and prosperous Scotland making her own decisions and making her own mistakes.
It is worthy of note that i have often stated my vision for Scotland is to have a Conservative government running an Independent Scotland much to the irritation of some of my visitors, taking away the Constitution argument, i find myself in agreement at much of what the Conservatives say and i have often praised on my blog the work the Scottish Conservatives have done in the parliament.
As for my identity, i have never denied who i am and many of the people who comment on my blog know who i am and at times used my real name on my blog but i do try to discourage this basically because their are some people who would use this as some sort of weird advantage at hopping to shut me up, lol they will have a hard time.
In any case, why should i revile who i am just because someone doesn't agree with my politics ? Its not the first time a Unionist has posted details of my parents address on the Scotsman forums so i don't need lessons on anonymity and the trouble it can cause.
People have to except my blog has never posted anything illegal or racist and as i am aware of the fact that some people know who i am then im hardly going to go down that path, other than that its not in my nature.
BTW i notice (except Yapping Yousif)that you lot in the unionist camp are not exactly upfront with your own identity, is it just us Nats that have to say who we are ? pot kettle!!!
haha thought that might tickle you.
Loving the characteristic nat lack of humour too : )
"Loving the characteristic nat lack of humour too"
Oh but i do have a great sense of humour, i also just like to get my point across as well.
BTW You never said who you wanted to win BGT, i think your a Stavros Flatley sort of person.
harsh on us cybernats
I am never nasty!
as for the lack of humour, I had a chuckle when you said you didnt have the SNP on a poll because you "didnt do pressure groups"