Who are you kidding?

Tom Miller
has spent the last week shouting at the top of his voice that he had nothing to do with the smeargate emails or the red-rag blog, despite the fact he is very open about the fact he spends "most of his week" in Mr Draper's office. Miller has clearly been trying to distance himself from the darker side of Draper's short-lived return to politics and has gone as far as to sign up to a blogging ethics code instigated by Sunder Katwala over at Liberal Conspiracy
The code suggests acting "as ambassadors for the political values we profess" and opposing "the politics of personal destruction. We believe that the personal can be political, where it reveals the hypocrisy of public statements, the wilful misuse of evidence, or breaches proper ethical standards in public life. Where it doesn’t do that, it should be off limits. Politicians should be able to have a family and private life too. A politics of personal destruction violates progressive values and brings all politics into disrepute."

That's all very noble, but how exactly do you justify your previous behaviour Tom? You were so loyal and trusted by Draper that he gave you his important task of drawing up a dossier on the history of the Guido Fawkes blog, and more importantly its author Paul Staines. In this document you were more than casual with the truth and instead relied on the already numerous accounts of Staines's history from the likes of Tim Ireland et all. You willfully prepared attack lines for Draper to use that you knew to be false and concluded that you couldn't call Staines a racist and would have to settle for going after the people who leave comments on his blog.
Do you deny this?
Guess being a hypocrite is mandatory is you want a job at LabourList.
Miller is doing nothing more than trying to convince people that he's important enough for McBride et al even to know his name. He is a bag carrier, nothing more. His 'nothing to do with me' sounds more like 'it could so EASILY have been me. Because I'm at the heart of the action'. Utterly juvenile and pathetic.
Hohohoh - Mr 2.0 must be wondering if all those rebuttals on Draperlist were worth it.
Miller is a hoon. A two bit little union lickspittle desperately trying to get his marxist arse on the first rung of the ladder of power.
"He is a bag carrier, nothing more."
Actually, that's kind of my point?
Right, on the actual (non)substance of what you've written here, I signed that charter because I believe in it. I did author the guido dossier, or at least, I brought together the initial facts before it was published. I see nothing which indicates that Tim Ireland shouldn't be trusted, especially in contrast to a drink-driving former bankrupt like Staines.
Tim provides evidence for the points he makes. What has he said that is false?
"We believe that the personal can be political, where it reveals the hypocrisy of public statements, the wilful misuse of evidence, or breaches proper ethical standards in public life."
In my view, all of the stuff on Guido highlights his hypocrisy; a thoroughly immoral man has appointed himself as a guardian of virtue.
From his beacon of correctness spews bile about Gordon Brown's mental health and sexuality.
I severely doubt that anything I ever do will achieve it, but, nevertheless, I believe that for this alone, before we even get onto the stuff about the PMs dead son, this means that he is worth trying to get rid of.
"and concluded that you couldn't call Staines a racist and would have to settle for going after the people who leave comments on his blog."
So you're having a go at me for not calling him a racist?
I can't recall Staines making a single racist statement. Why should I say that I can?
Your obsession with me has to end some time.
is that the same tim ireland who was fed the bullshit guido BNP smear and was all over it for days?
You just can't help yourself can you. If you agree with the blogging pledge, why did you put a picture of TB in White Tie on your blog attempting to paint him as a tory toff when in fact you know nothing about me?
So having previously denied having anything to do with ANY smears you are now admitting to authoring a report about Staines with the expressed intention of peddling false infomation?
Did you include the fact that journalist who wrote that BNP link story later retracted the story and apologised in full?
Did you take a moment to consider that there are various people considering taking out restraining orders on Tim Ireland for his strange 40 phone calls a night behaviour?
Staines isn't a civil servent spending taxpayers money making up lies.
I'm not obsessed Gareth, you just need to be brought down a notch or two.
What bugs me is that you keep using the fact someone was bankrupt as a slur, Hoon.0
Why is the fact someone lost all they have a sign of dishonesty? Shit happens, a large number of the most successful entrepeneurs on the planet went bankrupt at some point. I'm not saying Paul Staines falls in this bracket but to use that as a constant point for attacks doesn't really stand up. When you've gone out, made something of yourself outside your cushty little job sat under Draper's desk, and had it all fall down around you, see if you can get yourself together and start again. You're some child like know nothing desperately clinging to the coat tails of the big boys screaming 'Hey everyone, I'm Tommy 2.0, look at me, look at me'. Even your photo screams tosser. I'm from a rough comp, got parents and siblings working in the lowest rungs of the public sector and would describe my background as about as working class as one could have, but give me a guy in a tux having a good time or some dickhead who has taken a picture of himself obscured half by shadow to hide his acne ridden face whilst trying to pass it off as some nu-art facebook profile pic and I know which I would find more embarrassing, along with my friends, colleagues and family. You epitomise Nu Labour perfectly, keep it up as we all see through you, mackem.
"is that the same tim ireland who was fed the bullshit guido BNP smear and was all over it for days?"
Bullshit eh?
There was no retraction by the journalist, it was an apology, nor was there a retraction from the paper. Read the dossier. If Staines doesn't like it, tell him to sue the Guardian. I for one simply said that there had been no retraction. This is a statement of fact.
You, on the other hand, have repeatedly called me a liar when there exists no evidence that I've lied about anything. If people in their overdrafts could sue, I would. Confidently.
Harry, are you really that angry about the picture?
I generally put up the most ridiculous statement of opponents I can find. You were wearing kid gloves for God's sake, on your way to a tea party with the mad hatter?
How was I supposed to resist that?
"Did you take a moment to consider that there are various people considering taking out restraining orders on Tim Ireland for his strange 40 phone calls a night behaviour?"
I never said that Tim isn't eccentric (since we're on diplomatic language). I'm not surprised he has restraining orders on him. If I was Dale I'd be pretty livid too.
But it's seldom, nevertheless, that I've ever seen him get anything wrong.
In the specific case you make reference to, he points to plenty of evidence.
"Staines isn't a civil servent spending taxpayers money making up lies."
True statement.
What has it got to do with the points I'm making? Very little.
"I'm not obsessed Gareth, you just need to be brought down a notch or two."
Why, and from where, exactly? The heady heights of editorial assistantism?
I'm off to spend some time with friendly stomach cramps. As long as it's not more slander, say what you like about me.
"Why is the fact someone lost all they have a sign of dishonesty?"
The rest of us have to pay our debts.
I don't care where you come from.
Oh please do sue because this is the line that will fuck you:
"I want to make it clear that I've had absolutely no part to play in all of this stuff in the media at the moment, and, in fact, no idea that any of it has actually been going on."
That is a lie, you were involved in the initial attack on Paul Staines, as you have admitted today. You wrote the bloody thing!!
The rest of us have to pay our debts? Really? What was all this bailout about then? Did I misunderstand as I thought a load of my hard earned cash just went on paying a load of other people's debts.
And when you're paid out of donations to a union who don't get much choice in the matter of whether they fund your employment or not it's pretty fucking rich coming on here saying you pay your own debts. Hardworking members of unite pay your debts and i bet if you polled them with a few extracts of your 'work' to ask if they were getting good value for money then they would all say one thing. You're just one massive fraud.
Oh, one other thing, if where people come from is irrelevant when why all the classist shit in the direction of TB? Don't pretend to transcend class when you've got a chip on your shoulder so big it appears to fortunately cast shadow across that thing you call a face.
I've never said anything classist about TB. I don't know what his job is or where he's from. Nor do I care. That stuff doesn't matter.
What does matter is if you wear something that makes you look silly or mad and let it get onto the internet.
Off to be ill chimney sweeps, laters.
Tom, seriously- you're digging yourself a hole that you'll soon find it incredibly difficult to climb out of. All these blog posts and retorts has left you with almost no chance of a future political or respectable media career. Stop- now. Take a moment to evaluate your life and think before you write a reply. You have spewn hypocrisy all over this argument and you should make a full retraction of all your comments and start afresh.
"What does matter is if you wear something that makes you look silly or mad and let it get onto the internet."
And you say that, with no sense of irony, next to that profile pic. Have a fucking word.
Don't get carried away with Brown's failings. When the Tories get elected we shall be governed by The Bullingdon Club! Move Osborne to one side. Cameron is enough of TBC on his own.