The twittering classes speak out:
Once there was the student union chattering classes, they have now become the twitterers. Either way there is absoulutly no support from these EUSA hacks from banning the Daily Mail. TB asked them all if they support the farcical attempts to restrict what students read:

Was anyone consulted on this move before that press release was sent out?

Should have known you were up to something asking us all for our opinions Harry...
Anyone up for a mass read-in of the Mail in the SU?
Further to that, I especially am concerned that EUSA is setting a precedent for banning newspapers it doesn't like.
Not sure if I have any twittering-class consciousness to be honest...
Perhaps it requires only a question:
Why bother banning it if they think that it's so bad that nobody reads it anyway?
Please tell me how they answer this TB
They did mention they were going to propose to remove the Daily Mail at the next Management meeting... They said they'd bring a paper. People grumbled (funnily enough) but there will be something at the next meeting, apparently.
Nothing was said about a press release.
I've been told that it sells really badly on campus which I have no trouble believing. If CoM decides to stop stocking it as a business decision then that's fine.
However, another section of EUSA making CoM stop stocking it is censorship and wrong.