In just a couple of hours of the contest being called, there were already enough nominations for TB to run the competition for three weeks. Clearly with recess being called the bag-carriers don't have much to do! So here we go with round one.. ding ding.
So for the ladies we have cute Jenny
Dorries, the 20 year old daughter of Nadine
Dorries the MP for Mid-
Bedfordshire, treat this young lady well or you'll have her mother to answer to. Never a good thing as many a man will testify:
TB would at this point like to salute
Romford's finest Andrew
Rosindell MP. It seems that old
Rozza has filled his office with
blonde bombshells. Charlie Wilson eat your heart out. First up we have 23 year old Holly Farrow:
And finally 22 year old Anita
And so over to the lads...Sticking in
Rozza's office we have 22 year old
Starbuck Coleman, this gin loving ladies man sets many a blue blooded heart racing. Just don't call him Stephen:
Next up it's 31 year old Jamie Davenport. Some might find it slightly ironic that Michael Howard would have a repetitive beat loving house DJ as his researcher but by all accounts the big fella has mellowed over the years:
Finally, and for the sake of political balance we have Alex Kendell, 22, PR to the soon-to-be-ex-Liberal Democrat MP for
Cheltenham, Martin
So vote away and email it around. Come back in a week for the results...
No sign of Tom Miller? :oD
Hahahahahahahahaha ....
PS I'd be more than happy to wake up after a drunken night and find any of the blondes occupying the other half of my bed, but so far Jenny D gets the nod.
Desperately fighting urge to question this was Rozza's choice considering his past choices.
Is Alex single? :3
TB, why all the blondes? Is this Aryan nation or something, there must be a hot Raven haired lass somewhere.
Michael Howard does seem to have been remixed. Excellent work by Jamie. Quite obviously a rising star.
Holly looks quite pretty, but my vote went to Anita- she looks like pure filth!
At once embarassing and flattering, but hardly fair competition...!
Still, 17%...
Those are 3 photos of the same girl!!!
Jenny Dorries = surprisingly fit, considering who her mum is.
Ladies' man eh? Good one, TB.
Calling people "pure filth" is pretty pathetic really, this 'competition' is obviously just a light hearted bit of fun... showing that not everone in the Tory party looks like a relic from the 1920's. Let's keep this nice and friendly eh? for my bit I think all the people featured are an asset to the party and it's good to have them on board! I hope to see some of you at confrence :)
think that was filth in the good sense of the world.
Where are the brunettes?! Where are the redheads?! I demand to a wider variety!
I know it's been a while since TB had a "Totty Bear" in his life but we don't all share your penchant for practically identical, above average looking blondes!
So for goodness sake do us all a favour and throw in an ethnic or two!
Ha well i'm glad you are such an expert on tory bear's love life.
Well get nominating if you want different people. This is set to be a weekly affair so the more the merrier...
SO What's wrong with Holly? Down at 16% - they all look well worth investing a few G&Ts in to me.
Jenny Dorries looks good from far away, but when you get up close...
How can the third girl be only 5% behind Jenny Dorries? Jenny is far more attractive than either of the other two. I'd go so far as to say she is the only attractive girl on the page!
Where's week 3?
"ladies man"? Ha ha.