Never too big to apologise...
TB's faith in the police has taken a sore hit today. While there is an ongoing investigation into what exactly happened at the G20 protest it appears that TB was a little too quick to defend the Met. He did however believe that the statement they put out would be accurate and clung to the notion of innocent until proven guilty. This whole little spat began with people jumping to conclusions and spreading rumour before any facts had been confirmed, and while this time it may have turned out to be accurate, that isn't an excuse to attempt to stir these things up. To those who feel that TB is guilty of this too then he apologises.
Until the IPPC report back let's leave it at that.
TB surely we are in danger of taking every little piece of evidence and assuming that it tells the whole story. Then when the next piece of evidence tells a slightly different story we jump to another conclusion. Wouldn't it be better to wait for the full investigation to tell us what actuall happened? Blogs and twitter are great but we are in danger of sacrifing the whole story to the latest news.
Trust me, if you have never seen the police in action up close and personal, then I would go to some event where there is a heavy police presence.
Doesn't have to be a climate camp. Remember the Countryside Alliance protest? Football matches? It'll be an eye-opener.
Yes, with 'unconfirmed' written by them.
Sounds like a plan to leave things until the IPCC report. I would have thought the Met Police would have learnd their lesson from the Stockwell reports though when it comes to issuing statements not substantiatd by fact, clearly not.
Interesting that yesterday evening there were reports saying that one hour before his death/being pushed over, Tomlinson was stood in the middle of the road blocking a riot police van and rocking it.
Hardly the actions of man who "isn't involved".