Looking for a summer job?
Dear all,
Liberal Youth have now decided the content of their Freshers campaign, and we're now looking for designers to take on either the whole project, or designers to take on individual campaigns.
Our campaign briefs are as follows:
Debt Busters
Our tuition fees/student debt campaign. It was decided that the campaign will have a Ghostbusters theme/format.
We need a logo for the campaign, which ideally can also go on a t-shirt, along with posters. We also want I.O.U. cards. So "I.O.U. a free education" signed by Gordon Brown.
"Choose the Lib Dems"
After discussing rewriting the "What Lib Dems Believe" (WLDB) leaflet we have that some of you may have seen, we decided we wanted to have a campaign built on the wider idea of why people should join/vote for the Lib Dems.
The campaign will be done in the style of Trainspotting, with posters done in the style of the famous Trainspotting ones. You may have seen the ones we've just done for the budget on Facebook. If not see
We want the WLDB leaflet redone as a business card sized fold-out leaflet, like the Make it Happen leaflets that were produced, but in keeping with the Trainspotting visual design.
"Let's Speak Up"
This will be our campaign on I.D. cards. We'll be re-working the "First they came for the writers, but I didn't speak up because I was not a writer.....and then they came for me. And there was nobody left to speak up for me" to something along the lines of:
"First they came for the airport workers. But I didn't speak up because I was not an airport worker. Then they came for the foreigners. But I didn't speak up because I was not a foreigner......Now they're coming for us. So let's speak up."
This is the one campaign where we're not set on a design, so is the one where you can be most creative.
Please send emails of interest/design ideas to elaine.bagshaw@liberalyouth.org
We will be making a final decision on designers on June 1st at the latest, but will appoint earlier if we find good people!
We are willing to negotiate on pay, but as we have a limited budget would appreciate volunteers or things in kind, e.g. you design for us, we'll do some delivery for you.
Apologies for the long post!
Best wishes,
Elaine Bagshaw
Chair, Liberal Youth

they have started at strathclyde. their pitch is "excuse me, are you liberal minded at all"
this is from a guy in a sonic youth tshirt with a sandal wearing councillor for company.
no really, thats what they looked like