Is Lord Baldamort crackers too?

cappuccino loving
bunker loiterer Liam Bryne is losing it a bit:Liam Byrne, Cabinet Office Minister
BBC News
Mr Byrne said that we had seen “the smack of firm government” on the expenses issue, arguing that MPs had been galvanised into action on reform as a result of the Prime Minister’s proposals via YouTube last week.
He claimed “we have had the smack of firm government” on expenses reform, saying “Gordon asked the House to focus on it, and the House was galvanised to action”.
He added the government were trying to establish, “a robust cross party consensus about getting change to happen”, and noted that there was consensus on swathes of the Prime Minister’s proposals on reform.
He said that the government were happy to refer issues wherever there was no consensus to Sir Christopher Kelly.
BBC News
Mr Byrne said that we had seen “the smack of firm government” on the expenses issue, arguing that MPs had been galvanised into action on reform as a result of the Prime Minister’s proposals via YouTube last week.
He claimed “we have had the smack of firm government” on expenses reform, saying “Gordon asked the House to focus on it, and the House was galvanised to action”.
He added the government were trying to establish, “a robust cross party consensus about getting change to happen”, and noted that there was consensus on swathes of the Prime Minister’s proposals on reform.
He said that the government were happy to refer issues wherever there was no consensus to Sir Christopher Kelly.
That's not quite what happened now is it? Either he's lying through his teeth or he is completely deluded.
Either way the end is nigh...

the only thing THAT youtube vid could make anyone do is laugh relentless. come on, liam.
Yeah, it was more like 'Gordon speaks - a nation laughs.'
Does he have an amazing capacity for self delusion, or is he lying?
It is very funny in either case.
I'd have more respect for this government (not much but some) if they admitted they screwed up or failed.
"The smack of firm government". Kinky.
If you hunt around on the BBC website, you'll find an article in which Gordon Brown says he has "more important" things to deal with than the expenses crisis.