Blogs are the new black...
You may have noticed TB has been lacking in some serious substance recently, and posts rarely longer than forty words this week. Well his finals start tomorrow, his birthday, and thus the blog has suffered. Here's a guest post to keep you all going. TB is turning over the tables to the editors of the new blog
Keep Right Online
, that seeks "to right the wrongs of the past twelve years through informing on right of centre views."Dear reader, allow me to regale you, with why blogs such as Tory Bear,
Iain Dale
, Guido Fawkes
and Keep Right Online
are fast becoming the staple of the right, while the left haven't quite gotten the hang of it. Progressive nothing. This is freedom of speech at its greatest.Over the past year, the prominence of major Conservative bloggers such as
, Delingpole,
[Ed. don't forget Dizzy
, he's fab.] has given the right a (sorry to sound so clichéed) fresh new voice: one that people actively seek out, and one that is, in fact, so sensational that the mainstream media clamour for the latest breaking stories.We saw it at Smeargate, we saw it at Crewe and Nantwich, we saw it after the Budget, and we'll see it again and again. Vibrant and energetic, giving way to independent opinions and without the 'party line' mandate, web 2.0 exploitation should be encouraged and fostered as one of THE best marketing tools we have.
That’s not to say it’s simply the medium. The quality of our journos and pseudo-journos is impressive to say the least. The
BUCF blog
, Sassy Conservative
, The Young Conservative
and more offer both wider scope, but also niche and targeted pieces: and we’re not even close to saturation on this. The average hits on ‘our’ sites are devastating to the soon-to-be opposition. We can only imagine how much money Tory Bear rakes in Google ads - eh, TB?But be wary, dear blogger, of complacency, and certainly of embarrassment. CF itself is not without its renegades, and in reading these blogs, we offer a self-regulatory solution to our writers. We’d hardly like to see one go the way of
Miller 2.0
, or whatever that hack calls himself nowadays. (Can't wait for Miller: Reloaded.)Going forward, over the course of the next eighteen months, we need to see a surge in how many people are visiting, debating and discussing views mentioned on these blogs or sharing videos and posts on Facebook/*insert social networking site of choice here*, and thus truly contributing to this 21st century library of opinion. You may not agree with some of the things you read, but, by jove, if you’re not informed or informing others upon your trip on the "series of tubes".
Elections are coming- in a variety of forms. We mustn't lose a grip on what I call the ‘informative scene’. Stoop to their levels, we shall not. The difference between left of centre blogs and our own? Substance. We have it; they don't even come close.
If you would like to write a guest post for Tory Bear get in touch.

Is there a problem with this video? It won't load.
(Pretty much my story, all day!)
Well said.
The power of the blogosphere is gathering more momentum by the day. These are exciting times for us all and New Labour are finding to their cost that the true voice of the people is now being heard via the sterling efforts of 'The Blogger'.
btw, that Miller chappy has been visiting my place recently and even pointed me out as a 'good example of autism' in one of his recent posts.Like I care. :-) seen this people?
Fantastic post and I'm not just saying that because my blog was mentioned! ;-P
I'm looking forward to hearing more from the KeepRightOnline blog. It's already been a great success with the Dan Han speech remix!