How Labour would like polls to be conducted...

Iain MacWhirter
seems to be hoovering up support left, right and centre based on the fact he is the only local candidate, living closer to the university than TB and is the only candidate who will actually have the time and commitment to be a working Rector - dealing with the students and staff he is elected to represent. While not everyone may agree with everything MacWhirter is standing for, there is something for everyone in his manifesto and he has been out and about every day rather than the fleeting visits of moonlighting politicians. The fact his name is not George is also helping.Things aren't looking too good for ol'thumper though. Lord George Foulke's
is rumoured to be somewhat in disarray and this message, intercepted by TB, from the campaign manager (Foulke's paid Chief of Staff, nice work if you can get it!) to campaigners, shows just how manipulative the old Labour bunch get when they are under pressure:

In the end they are only kidding themselves and TB has a feeling the name association and painful yet true celeb appeal of Galloway, coupled with the genuine appeal of MacWhirter could force old folksy Foulkes into a dismal third place...